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PMI: Vækst i tysk industri og servicesektor bremser op

Morten W. Langer

torsdag 23. april 2015 kl. 9:58

Dagens data for PMI Tyskland fra Markit kan læses her:

Private sector activity growth in Germany slowed slightly at the start of the second quarter, as highlighted by the seasonally adjusted Markit Flash Germany Composite Output Index falling from March’s eight-month high of 55.4 to 54.2 in April. That said, the latest index reading was still the second-strongest since last September. The weaker increase in activity reflected slower growth at both manufacturers and service providers. Some companies attributed this to a weaker rise in new orders and increased prices.

German private sector companies signalled a fourth successive monthly rise in new business in April. The rate of growth in new work slowed since March, but was nevertheless the second-strongest in eight months. The rise in new work was largely driven by stronger domestic demand as manufacturers reported only a slight increase in foreign orders. While the weak euro helped secure new business, lower demand in some key markets dampened growth. Labour market developments remained positive in April with companies continuing to add to their payrolls. The rate of job creation was little-changed from March’s modest pace. Employment growth was partly attributed by panellists to increased new work.

The amount of work outstanding at German businesses was little-changed since one month previously. A slight increase in manufacturing backlogs was offset by a marginal reduction at service providers. April data signalled a second consecutive monthly increase in input costs faced by German private sector firms. The rate of inflation was unchanged from March and the joint-highest since July of last year. Survey participants partly linked higher input prices to increased staff costs and the weak euro (which increased the cost of some imports).

Companies passed higher input costs on to their clients, as highlighted by a further rise in output prices. The rate of charge inflation accelerated since March and was the most marked since January 2014. In Germany’s manufacturing sector, companies signalled marginal increases in both buying activity and stocks of purchases. Meanwhile, suppliers’ delivery times deteriorated further, albeit at the least marked rate in over one-and-ahalf years. Service providers signalled further optimism towards the 12-month outlook for activity in April. The level of positive sentiment remained elevated despite dipping to a four-month low. Some panellists linked optimism to increased demand and a positive market environment.

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