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ISM: US erhvervstillid markant op i januar, ordreindgang i stort plus

Morten W. Langer

lørdag 02. februar 2019 kl. 12:30


PMI® at 56.6%


New Orders, Production, and Employment Growing

Supplier Deliveries Slowing at Slower Rate; Backlog Growing

Raw Materials Inventories Growing; Customers’ Inventories Too Low

Prices Decreasing; Exports and Imports Growing


(Tempe, Arizona) — Economic activity in the manufacturing sector expanded in January, and the overall economy grew for the 117th consecutive month, say the nation’s supply executives in the latest Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business®.

The report was issued today by Timothy R. Fiore, CPSM, C.P.M., Chair of the Institute for Supply Management® (ISM®) Manufacturing Business Survey Committee: “The January PMI® registered 56.6 percent, an increase of 2.3 percentage points from the December reading of 54.3 percent. The New Orders Index registered 58.2 percent, an increase of 6.9 percentage points from the December reading of 51.3 percent. The Production Index registered 60.5 percent, 6.4-percentage point increase compared to the December reading of 54.1 percent. The Employment Index registered 55.5 percent, a decrease of 0.5 percentage point from the December reading of 56 percent.

The Supplier Deliveries Index registered 56.2 percent, a 2.8 percentage point decrease from the December reading of 59 percent. The Inventories Index registered 52.8 percent, an increase of 1.6 percentage points from the December reading of 51.2 percent. The Prices Index registered 49.6 percent, a 5.3-percentage point decrease from the December reading of 54.9 percent, indicating lower raw materials prices for the first time in nearly three years.

“Comments from the panel reflect continued expanding business strength, supported by strong demand and output. Demand expansion improved with the New Orders Index reading returning to the high 50s, the Customers’ Inventories Index remaining too low, and the Backlog of Orders remaining at a near-zero-expansion level.

Consumption continued to strengthen, with production expanding strongly and employment continuing to expand at previous-month levels. Inputs — expressed as supplier deliveries, inventories and imports — continued to improve, but are negative to PMI® expansion. Inputs reflect an easing business environment, confirmed by Prices Index contraction.

“Exports continue to expand, but at the lowest level since the fourth quarter of 2016. Prices contracted for the first time since the first quarter of 2016. The manufacturing sector continues to expand, reversing December’s weak expansion, but inputs and prices indicate fundamental changes in supply chain constraints,” says Fiore.

Of the 18 manufacturing industries, 14 reported growth in January, in the following order: Textile Mills; Computer & Electronic Products; Plastics & Rubber Products; Miscellaneous Manufacturing; Furniture & Related Products; Printing & Related Support Activities; Primary Metals; Chemical Products; Transportation Equipment; Machinery; Fabricated Metal Products; Petroleum & Coal Products; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; and Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components. The only industry reporting contraction in January is Nonmetallic Mineral Products.

  • “Unlike in the last few years, we are experiencing a first quarter slowdown.” (Paper Products)
  • “Steady supply and production environment.” (Computer & Electronic Products)
  • “Concerns about oil prices are fueling questions of how strong the economy will be the first half of 2019.” (Chemical Products)
  • “Overall, business continues to be good; however, margins are being squeezed.” (Transportation Equipment)
  • “The federal government shutdown is impacting our ability to get new products launched. All wines need TTB [Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau] approval. We are reforecasting accordingly.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)
  • “We continue to enjoy the benefits of a strong general economy. We are busy and maintain a backlog of sales orders.” (Machinery)
  • “Incoming orders have been steady, but we’re starting to see signs of slowing going into February and March.” (Furniture & Related Products)
  • “Business conditions are good, and our demand and production are tracking to our forecasted growth levels for the year.” (Miscellaneous Manufacturing)
  • “Going to be a very strong spring. Business levels will be just as good [compared to] the same time frame in 2018.” (Fabricated Metal Products)
  • “Steel tariffs continue to put upward pressure on prices of downstream materials.” (Petroleum & Coal Products)
  • “January is off to a good start versus a lower November and December. We are ahead of both plan and January 2018 performance.” (Plastics and Rubber Products)
  • “Sales nationally appear to be on target for 2019 and slightly ahead of 2018.” (Nonmetallic Mineral Products)


IndexSeries Index JanSeries Index DecPercentage Point ChangeDirectionRate of ChangeTrend* (Months)
New Orders58.251.3+6.9GrowingFaster37
Supplier Deliveries56.259.0-2.8SlowingSlower35
Customers’ Inventories42.841.7+1.1Too LowSlower28
Prices49.654.9-5.3DecreasingFrom Increasing1
Backlog of Orders50.350.0+0.3GrowingFrom Unchanged1
New Export Orders51.852.8-1.0GrowingSlower35
Manufacturing SectorGrowingFaster29
Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business® data is seasonally adjusted for the New Orders, Production, Employment and Supplier Deliveries Indexes.
*Number of months moving in current direction.
Indexes reflect newly released seasonal adjustment factors



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