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Blog: Læg ikke så meget i foreløbig melding om handelsaftale

Morten W. Langer

lørdag 12. oktober 2019 kl. 18:18


As for the China trade deal, honestly, who knows at the moment? Technically, what was announced today isn’t officially an agreement. And what was “agreed” to by the parties were the less-sensitive issues on the table.

Bloomberg controlled most of the information flow about today’s trade news, and this is how its own staff economists summarize today’s “progress”. Not exactly breathless optimism:

What Our Economists Say

“Past experience is that U.S.–China trade agreements aren’t worth the paper they are written on, and this one hasn’t even been written down. For now, though, indications on trade are a little more positive. If that persists, it could help put a floor under sliding global growth.”

Tom Orlik and Yelena Shulyatyeva, Bloomberg Economics

And the Chinese themselves are reacting with much more muted enthusiasm than our Tweeter-in-Chief. In fact, they aren’t yet willing to concede that any “deal” has been struck:

Chinese state news agency Xinhua said negotiators made efforts toward a final agreement, but stopped short of calling Friday’s outcome a deal. The Editor-in-Chief of China’s most prominent state-run newspaper Global Times, Hu Xijin, noted on Twitter that official reports from China didn’t mention Trump’s goal of signing the deal next month, which indicates Beijing wants to keep expectations low.

Long story short, we’re still a far distance from any formal compact that resolves the principal triggers that caused the US-China trade dispute. While today’s “news” may be a step in the right direction and help both parties save a little face, I think Sven Henrich summarizes it best in these twin tweets:

Proceed VERY Cautiously From Here

So did everything change this week?

Too early to tell.

But we highly caution against interpreting this week’s developments as a green light that it’s safe to jump back into the markets.

Powell’s Not-QE may do little more than slow the gangrene spread of recession within the US economy. Today’s China deal could quickly prove to be another “nothingburger” in a year-long process defined much more by disappointment than progress.

Note that despite their happy ride this week, markets are still closed below their all-time highs. So we still need to ask: What’s going to power them higher from here, now that they’ve gotten exactly what they wished for?

With new QE and an interim China agreement now priced in, what pressure remains to push stocks higher? Without a compelling answer, this weekend could very well mark the apex between “buy the rumor” and “sell the news”. If so, we could see a lot of disappointed bulls next week as today’s highs fail to stick.

We’re at an inflection point where the establishment is pulling out all the stops to keep the world’s longest economic expansion continuing and avert a market correction. It is pitted against the fundamental forces of reality, which want to eradicate the $trillions of bad debts and malinvestment that have built up in the system due to central planner intervention.

How much longer can the status quo protect itself from the repercussions of it past and present behavior?

While this great game plays out, asset prices will likely whipsaw before they make their next big move. Which is why we so strongly urge anyone with money at risk in today’s markets (in retirement funds, brokerage accounts, real estate, business investments, etc) to work with a financial advisor who understands the risks in play.

For better or worse, this is an exceptionally challenging time to navigate the financial markets. And this week’s developments have only increased the uncertainty of the trajectory that will win out from here.

Our consul remains the same: Position for safety. Deploy hedges in your portfolio. And if you don’t feel confident in how to do this yourself, partner with an experienced professional advisor  — if you’re having trouble finding a good one, schedule a free consultation with New Harbor Financial, the firm we endorse.

So many plan to do this but end up not taking action until it’s too late. I recently asked New Harbor what is the most common issue they encounter when conducting a portfolio review, and they report — by far — it’s overexposure.

Most people they talk to a) don’t have a good understanding of all of the securities they own, and b) are currently “all in” with their portfolio allocations. This hasn’t really been an issue while the markets have powered higher year after year for the past decade. But it puts them unnecessarily at risk of painful losses when the inevitable next market correction happens.

I use the word “unnecessarily” because a short conversation and a few prudent decisions can mean a world of difference to how your financial wealth fares going forward.

Whatever you choose to do from here, just make sure it’s an intentional decision. These markets are just now too damn uncertain to leave your destiny to chance.

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