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PMI: Global erhvervstillid peger på fortsat økonomisk opbremsning

Morten W. Langer

torsdag 07. november 2019 kl. 19:06

Globalt PMI fra Markit – læs hele meddelelsen her:

The global economy made a weak start to the final quarter.
The rate of output growth slowed to its joint second-weakest
during the current seven-year sequence of expansion. New
order inflows also rose at a weaker pace, while job losses
were registered for the first time in almost a decade.

The J.P.Morgan Global Composite Output Index – which is
produced by J.P.Morgan and IHS Markit in association with
ISM and IFPSM – posted 50.8 in October, its lowest reading
since February 2016 and consistent with only a mild increase
in economic output. The level of the headline index has
moved lower in each of the past three months.

The slowdown in growth was mainly centred on the
service sector. Although services continued to outperform
manufacturing, its pace of output expansion was the weakest
in over three-and-a-half years. Rates of increase moderated
across the business, consumer and financial services subindustries. The strongest performer remained the financial services category.

Manufacturing production ticked higher in October, and
at a slightly faster rate than September. Consumer goods
registered the steepest rise in output of the manufacturing
sub-industries covered by the survey. There was a reversal of
fortunes for the investment goods sector, which saw output
and new orders rise (albeit only slightly) for the first time
in 11 months. Intermediate goods was the only category to
register a contraction in production volumes.

National PMI data signalled expansions of output in the US,
the euro area, China, Brazil and Russia. Disparities remained
between the main eurozone economies, however, with solid
growth in France contrasting with ongoing contraction in
Germany. The UK and Australia both saw economic activity
stagnate, while downturns were signalled in Japan (first
time in over three years) and India (second month in a row).

Slower growth of global economic activity reflected a weaker
expansion in new work received. Manufacturing new orders
stabilised following a five-month sequence of declines,
while the rate of expansion at service providers dipped to
a 43-month low. International trade flows continued to
weigh on overall demand, as new export business fell for
the eleventh successive month. Manufacturers and service
providers both saw new export business decrease, albeit at
slower rates in both cases.

Global employment declined for the first time since February
2010. Service sector staffing levels were broadly unchanged
over the month, while the pace of job losses at manufacturers
was the joint-fastest for over a decade. Employment fell in
the US, China, Germany and the UK.

October saw a mild uptick in price inflationary pressures.
Average input costs rose at the quickest pace in three
months, while output charges increased to the greatest
extent since June. Rates of inflation signalled for both price
measures were broadly similar (on average) in developed
and emerging markets.

Business optimism remained relatively lacklustre in October.
Although improving from the series-record lows registered
in August and September, the overall degree of positive
sentiment was still the third-weakest since trends in future
expectations were first tracked in July 2012. Confidence
edged higher at both manufacturers and service providers.

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