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Det buldrer løs i Finland

Hugo Gaarden

tirsdag 11. februar 2020 kl. 13:00

Finland er et af lyspunkterne i industrilandene. Industriproduktionen steg med 2 pct. i 2019, og der har været en fremgang i industriordrene på hele 32 pct. Det er især skibsbygningsindustrien, der har fremgang.

Uddrag fra Handelsbanken:

• Industrial output increased by 0.3 percent m-o-m in December
• Substantial increase in new manufacturing orders
• Shipbuilding industry has markedly supported Finnish manufacturing and goods exports

Industrial output increased by 0.3 percent m-o-m in December
Finnish manufacturing continued on an upward trend at the end of 2019. The output of total industries adjusted for working days increased by 0.6 percent y-o-y in December 2019. In m-o-m terms, seasonally-adjusted industrial output increased by 0.3 percent. Production increased the most within electrical and electronics industry, by 7.2 percent m-o-m, while production decreased the most in chemical industry, by 3.1 percent. In 2019, the output of total industries rose by 2.0 percent.Substantial increase in new manufacturing orders
The value of new manufacturing orders rose by 32.1 percent y-o-y in December, as the shipbuilding industry captured substantial new orders, thereby supported orders for metal industry to a gain of 52.2 percent y-o-y. However, in other manufacturing sub-industries, orders declined. In the chemical industry, orders declined by 3.6 percent and in the manufacture of paper and paper board products, orders declined by 7.4 percent y-o-y. In 2019 as a whole, new manufacturing orders rose by 0.7 percent. Preliminary statistics for foreign trade of goods revealed that the value of Finnish goods exports increased by 13.3 percent y-o-y in December, whereas the value of goods imports decreased by 1.9 percent. A large rise in the value of goods exports is explained by the delivery of a EUR 931m cruise ship to Italy. Excluding that ship delivery, goods exports would have fallen by six percent from a year ago. In 2019, the value of goods exports increased by 1.9 percent, while goods imports decreased by 1.4 percent.Shipbuilding industry markedly supported Finnish manufacturing and goods exports
At the moment, the shipbuilding industry is underpinning Finnish industry as a whole. New orders have regularly come in and strong order books have kept production up, despite global worries about manufacturing. In addition, the delivery of two large cruise ships supported goods exports in 2019. However, we expect a global manufacturing slowdown to affect Finnish manufacturing more pronounced this year. Manufacturing confidence has already substantially weakened. As there is only one large cruise ship delivery in the pipeline for this year, goods exports is also expected to weaken this year.

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