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FT: Flere planlægger at anvende Cryptovaluta som betalingsmiddel

Morten W. Langer

mandag 04. maj 2020 kl. 10:22

Uddrag fra Alphaville/ FT:

Sometimes it’s not so much the axes themselves of a chart that are evil, but the conclusions drawn from them.

With that in mind, do take a look at this tweet and chart from The Economist Intelligence Unit (the “research and analysis division” of The Economist Group, which also publishes The Economist), which was enthusiastically retweeted by a whole bunch of crypto bros and “fintech influencers” earlier this week:

As you can see, 20 per cent of people apparently say they have never made a payment in digital currency, but plan to in the next 12 months. (We’re dubious they will, but fine.) And that’s higher than any other payment method. Also fine.

But you might also notice from that chart that the 33 per cent who say they have never used digital currency and never plan to is also higher than any other method. (Not to say 65 per cent higher than the number who say they will use it.)

Isn’t this confusing!? How could it be that these numbers which seem so at odds with one another are both higher than all the others? Well as you might have guessed, it’s this phenomenon called the low base effect. As one of the replies says, “Lot of room to grow for cryptocurency [sic]”. That’s definitely one way of putting it.

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