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Fidelity: WordPress: En næsten skjult business- og investorhistorie

Hugo Gaarden

onsdag 09. juni 2021 kl. 9:05

Her er en fantastisk historie om et business fænomen, som vedrører stort set alle, der bruger websites, men som ingen rigtigt kender til: Nemlig WordPress eller rettere selskabet bag: WP Engine og det globale business-miljø, som WordPress udgør. WordPress er “maskinen” bag alle de websites og platforme, som vi bruger for at hente informationer og gennemføre vores beslutninger. Det er investorernes uundværlige hjælpere. Hele ecosystemet omkring WordPress med hundreder af samarbejdspartnere og millioner af kunder har en samlet økonomi på næsten 600 milliarder dollar. Hvis det sammenlignes med markedsværdien af et børsnoteret selskab, svarer det til Teslas 550 milliarder dollar. Det er det største såkaldte content management system, som driver websites, og det driver mere end 40 pct. af internettet. Det demonstrerer den digitale økonomis omfang – på 20.000 milliarder dollar, eller næsten 25 pct. af verdens samlede økonomi på næsten 90.000 milliarder dollar.

Uddrag fra Fidelity/Business Wire:

WordPress Economy Drives More Than Half a Trillion in Revenue, New Global Study Shows

WP Engine, the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, announced the results of a new, first-of-its-kind research study examining the combined global economy for WordPress, which was estimated at $596.7 billion in 2020, and is expected to grow to $635.5 billion by the end of 2021.

The study examined both the economic value of the WordPress ecosystem and the social impact of this ever-expanding community of open source developers, agencies and users.

To put the global WordPress economy in context, if WordPress were a country, its economy would rank 39th in the world according to an IMF list of countries by GDP. The estimated 2021 economy facilitated by WordPress is comparable to that generated by the Apple App Store at $643B, and if it were equivalent to the market cap of a company it would come in at no. 10 on the list of companies by market capitalization (as of May 13th), bigger than that of the world’s most valuable automaker, Tesla at $550.72 billion.

The research, commissioned by WP Engine and carried out in the U.S., UK and Australia by Dr. Chris Brauer, Director of Innovation in the Institute of Management Studies (IMS) at Goldsmiths University of London and Vanson Bourne, was undertaken to assess the economic value and the social impact of WordPress.

It included a comprehensive review of academic and industry literature, including adjusting OECD economic indicators for digital economies as well as complementary primary data and analysis of economic value through industry valuations and projections from surveys of WordPress Economy research group members, 400 businesses and 400 WordPress end users.

The study also brought together an incredible, broad group of more than 100 collaborators (listed below) representing a cross-section of the various, dynamic aspects of the WordPress ecosystem: hosts, agencies, publishers, plugin and theme providers all businesses which derive revenue in some way from WordPress and helped provide guidance on the study.

This groundbreaking research shows the definitive leadership role WordPress plays in the global digital economy, said Heather Brunner, Chairwoman and CEO of WP Engine. A $596.7 billion economy is such a validation of the value that WordPress, its ecosystem and its robust community bring to the world. In the future, as WordPress looks to cross 50 percent of the web we see it playing an even larger role with individuals and businesses of all sizes as they connect, collaborate and accelerate their business growth through this incredible open-source platform.

WordPress and Digital Economy Growth

According to Accenture Research and Oxford Economics research, the Digital Economy makes up approximately 22.5% of the $87.74 trillion global economy. It comprises software, devices & infrastructure, IT & business services, emerging technologies and telecom services. This places the Digital Economy at approximately $19.73 trillion.

Market data indicates that a tremendous share of the economic value generated in the digital economy comes from websites, which could be partially attributed to the foundational role of WordPress in enabling economic expressions and interactions.

WordPress is the most dominant content management system (CMS) on the market, with a significant proportion of market share, averaging at 64.8 percent,1 much higher than all of its competitors combined. WordPress currently powers more than 41.4 percent of the Internet.2 As of December 2020, WordPress has become the primary type of site on the Internet.

The Social Impact

Growth within the WordPress ecosystem is not only reliant on economic elements but is also driven by social contributors. Social factors increase the value of the ecosystem within the community and lead to higher levels of innovation. A combination of all these factors – economic, social and innovation – can allow businesses to achieve the full potential and benefits of WordPress.

Guy Martin, Executive Director, OASIS Open, suggests the WordPress ecosystem is reliant on the core concepts of consume, contribute, and build value. Built on these principles, WordPress pushes the boundaries of digital innovation toward an environment that understands how achieving economic value is crucially connected to building social impact.

Martin added : The secret sauce of open source is people. And that to me has always been the most valuable piece of what open source is: building that community development model, building that ability to tap and harness people no matter where they are.

WordPress is the commons of the web, said David Lockie, founder of Pragmatic. It allows people to communicate with freedom. And that creates tangible value and wealth, but it also creates intangible value for our societies in this time of centralization of power. Two very different, but very critical values.

As the leader in Managed WordPress and WordPress technology, WP Engine is the driving force behind 1.5 million digital experiences for over 175,000 customers across 150 countries. In fact, WP Engine is the most popular platform for WordPress, according to W3Techs, managing more WordPress sites among the top 10 million than anyone else. It’s also the fastest platform on desktop and mobile for WordPress.

About WP Engine

WP Engine, the WordPress technology company,  help to power more than 1.5 million sites across 150 countries.

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