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Kan investorerne stole på storbankernes aktieprognoser?

Hugo Gaarden

onsdag 02. februar 2022 kl. 10:11

Kan man overhovedet regne med storbankernes aktieprognoser? Det spørgsmål må man stille sig på baggrund af en klumme fra Reuter-journalisten Jamie McGeever. Han hæfter sig ved, at to storbanker – der står i hver sin ende af bull-bear-skalaen – har nøjagtigt samme prognose for markedet, som de havde sidste år, dvs. inden centralbanken Fed lancerede sin meget stramme pengepolitik med en række rentestigninger. BNP Paribas tror på et S&P-500 niveau på 5100 ved årets udgang, og Bank of America tror på 4600. Den sidste forventer hele syv rentestigninger i år og fire næste år, og banken venter en 10-årige T-bond rente på 2,75-3,00 pct. Goldman Sachs finder det derimod sandsynligt med kursfald på aktierne på mellem 10 og 15 pct.

Uddrag fra Fidelity/Reuters:

COLUMN-Wall Street refuses to yield to fiery Fed outlook


Reuter-journalist Jamie McGeever has the following column on the stock market development:

One curiosity to emerge from the seismic shift in U.S. interest rate expectations in recent weeks is equity strategists’ reluctance to lower their year-end forecasts for U.S. stocks.

From the relative bulls at BNP Paribas, to the relative bears at Bank of America, nobody has downgraded their outlook for Wall Street even though money markets now expect at least five quarter-point rate hikes from the Federal Reserve this year.

Bear in mind that when banks published their 2022 year-ahead brochures late last year, barely 50 basis points of tightening was priced in, liftoff was not expected until the second half of the year, and the real 10-year Treasury yield was below -1%.

Some economists – like those at Morgan Stanley – didn’t expect the Fed to hike rates at all this year. But every Fed meeting now is ‘live,’ and U.S. stocks have had one of the most volatile starts to a year ever.

Yet the prevailing mood is ‘stay calm and buy the dip.’

Take Bank of America, whose economists last week issued the most aggressive Fed forecast to date: seven quarter-percentage point hikes this year, four more next year, and the fed funds rate peaking at 2.75%-3.00%.

That’s significantly more hawkish than their outlook late last year of three rate hikes in 2022. Then, BofA’s equity strategists’ 2022 price target for the S&P 500 was 4600. Their price target today? Still 4600.

At BNP Paribas, the U.S. equity strategy team had 5100 penciled in as their end-2022 forecast at the same time their economics colleagues were predicting three Fed rate hikes of 25 basis points each.

The bank’s Fed call is now for six rate hikes, and the S&P 500 target is still 5100.

Higher interest rates should be a drag on stocks as they raise the cost of borrowing for firms. They also have the mechanical effect of raising the discount rate used to value future cash flows in today’s share prices – particularly for many tech stocks and small caps.



So what gives?

On the macro front, recession still seems a distant prospect even though growth forecasts are dimming, and flattening pressures are persisting across the Treasury yield curve. As long as the economy grows at a reasonable pace – comfortably north of 3% is the consensus – corporate profits should hold up.

Greg Boutle at BNP Paribas remains confident that Corporate America can post double-digit earnings growth this year – double the consensus of around 8% – which will offset headwinds from tighter financial conditions.

He estimates that a 25 basis point rise in the 10-year real yield is equivalent to a fall of around 1.1 in U.S. price-to-earnings ratios. At one stage last week P/E ratios had compressed by around 2.2, consistent with a trough-to-peak rise in the real yield of around 50 basis points.

Real yields have slipped back a bit, but Boutle argues that the downturn in January – the S&P 500 was down more than 10% and the Nasdaq almost 20% at one point – is nothing to be alarmed about. The S&P 500 jumped almost 2% on Monday to end the month at 4,515 points.

“The market’s Fed pricing injects the potential for a little bit more turbulence, or headwinds to our view, but markets are efficient and forward looking,” he said.


Basing his calculations on Friday’s close around 4432 points and the 10-year real yield at -0.60%, David Kostin at Goldman Sachs estimates that, all else equal, the S&P 500 would decline by 10% to 4000 if the yield rose 60 basis points to 0%, and by 15% to 3800 if it rose by 100 bps.

But Kostin also says history shows buying the S&P 500 10% off its high generates a median return of 15% over the next year. Translated to today, that puts the index up at 4975.

“Market corrections are typically good buying opportunities if the economy is not entering into recession,” Kostin observes.

Investors have fourth-quarter earnings to digest just now, and with a third of them in, 78% have beat forecasts.

On balance, Fed officials are still displaying their new-found zeal to tighten financial conditions rather than push back against current market pricing. Equities are hanging in, just.

Another reason equity strategists are holding the line may be they simply don’t agree with their rates colleagues. Or, as JP Morgan’s Marko Kolanovic and team put it in a note on Monday, they think current rates market pricing is too aggressive.

“Our economists now forecast five hikes in 2022, but we think the risk is that inflation-related data improve and fewer hikes are ultimately delivered,” they said.

Now that would be bullish for stocks.

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