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Sindlevs Enochian i ræs mod afgrunden, den tyrkiske “tryllekunstner” har forfalsket forsøgsdata

Morten W. Langer

lørdag 02. juli 2022 kl. 12:18

Uddrag fra Seekingalpha:

  • After an internal review of its scientific data, Enochian BioSciences (NASDAQ:ENOB) has discovered that a former scientific advisor had altered and falsified two sets of animal data before the company’s scientists could review it.
  • “One data set was for an inhaled COVID-19 treatment study while the other was for a (hepatitis B virus) therapy study,” the biotech company said in a statement on Friday.
  • As a result of its discovery, the company said it would initiate legal action against the former scientific advisor, Serhat Gumrukçu.
  • ENOB said that its investigation verified certain data from the COVID-19 and (hepatitis B virus) pipelines.
  • “The company is evaluating its internal controls regarding the review and verification of external scientific data and will modify as appropriate,” ENOB said.
  • ENOB stock -4.7% to $1.84 in aftermarket trading.

læs hele børsmeddelelsen her:

LOS ANGELES July 01, 2022 (NASDAQ: ENOB)—In recent days, Enochian BioSciences (the Company) has conducted a rigorous internal review of scientific data to give partners and investors a clear understanding of the Company’s pipelines.


The results of this investigation verified key primary data for the Company’s HIV and cancer pipelines. The investigation also verified the primary data from an animal model with intravenous delivery of a potential treatment for COVID-19 that was conducted by an independent, external scientific leader in the field and presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in March 2021. These data, combined with similar promising data for the treatment of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), were the basis for the Company’s acquisition of the COVID-19 and influenza intellectual property.


However, during the review, the Company discovered that former scientific advisor Serhat Gumrukçu altered two different sets of animal data generated by third-party research institutions before Enochian’s scientists had a chance to review. One data set was for an inhaled COVID-19 treatment study while the other was for an HBV therapy study. As a result, the Company will initiate legal action against Gumrukçu over the falsified data.

Kursgraf: Aktiekursen dykkede yderligere 12 procent efter lukketid fredag aften.

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