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Gross: Negative renter destruerer normal opsparingsadfærd

Morten W. Langer

mandag 11. april 2016 kl. 16:35

Bill Gross in an interview with Barrons, Gross touches on the fact that savers would be going to cash, but also brings up the fact that insurance and pension models would blow up, and along with it, the ability of states to fund their liabilities, or insurance companies to honor their commitments.

So where does that leave our economy?


In the developed financial economies, as a bloc, lowering interest rates to near zero has produced negative consequences. The best examples of this include the business models of insurance companies and pension funds. Insurers have long-term liabilities and base their death benefits, and even health benefits, on earning a certain rate of interest on their premium dollars. When that rate is zero or close to it, their model is destroyed.

To use another example, California bases its current and future pension payments to civil workers on an estimated future return of 8% or so from bonds and stocks. But when bonds return 1% or 2%, or nothing in Germany’s case, what happens? We’ve seen the difficulties that Puerto Rico, Detroit, and Illinois have faced paying their debts.

Now consider mom and pop and other people who read Barron’s. They are saving for retirement and to put their kids through college. They might have depended on a historic 8%-like return from stocks and bonds. Well, sorry. When interest rates get to zero—and that isn’t the endpoint; they could go negative—savers are destroyed. And savers are the bedrock of capitalism. Savers allow investment, and investment produces growth.

Of course central banks will do what they please, as they know best of course. Many countries have already enacted NIRP, and some speculate that the US will follow in short order, although that remains to be seen.

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