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Chapter 11-meddelelse fra SAS: Nye data indikerer omsætning på 9-10 mia. SEK i Q3, op 40 % fra Q2

Morten W. Langer

onsdag 03. august 2022 kl. 14:39

ØU kommentar: SAS oplyser i Chapter 11-meddelelse, at flyselskabet fra november 2021 til maj 2022 leverede en samlet omsætning på 19,4 mia. SEK

Ifølge SAS’ regnskaber var omsætningen fra november 2021 til udgangen af april 2022 12,6 mia. SEK, efter syv mia SEK i februar-marts-april 2022:

Det betyder, at omsætningen i maj-juni var knap syv mia. SEK, altså på to måneder. I juli var der strejke, men med en normaliseret månedsomsætning var omsætningen i Q3 landet over 10  mia. SEK, svarende til en omsætningsvækst på 40 procent i forhold til Q2. Med strejken 15 dage i juli lander den faktiske omsætning i juli sikkert på omkring 2-3 mia. kr., hvorved den samlede omsætning antageligt bliver 9-10 mia. kr. i Q3-regnskabet, som kommer den 26. august.


SAS files Statements of Financial Affairs (SOFA) and Schedules of
Assets and Liabilities (SOAL) with U.S. Court and announces
certain financial information for the Group

SAS AB (“SAS”) and each of its subsidiaries that are subject to the voluntary chapter 11 process in the U.S., will each within short file a Statement of Financial Affairs (SOFA) and Schedule of Assets and Liabilities (SOAL) with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. The filings are part of the SAS’ voluntary chapter 11 process in the U.S. and contain detailed financial information, as of the chapter 11 petition date (July 5, 2022), including information on assets, liabilities and revenue, for each SAS debtor that is subject to the chapter 11 process.

The financial information contained in the SOFAs and SOALs is unaudited and reflects the SAS debtor entities’ reasonable efforts to report the financial information of each individual debtor on a non-consolidated basis. Accordingly, the amounts listed in the SOFAs and SOALs will likely differ, at times materially, from the consolidated accounts presented by SAS in the company’s financial reports.

In connection with these court filings, SAS announces certain consolidated financial information for the Group as of June 30, 2022, see table below. The financial information has not been audited or reviewed by SAS’ auditor.
Financial information, SAS Group million SEK (million USD)1)

Nov 1, 2021-June 30, 2022
Revenue 19,443 (1,903)

As of June 30, 2022
Total assets 60,183 (5,889)
Total liabilities 58,606 (5,735)
Cash and cash equivalents 7,788 (762)
1) Amounts in SEK have been recalculated to USD based on the Swedish Riksbank’s SEK/USD exchange rate of 10.2194
as of June 30, 2022.

SAS will release its interim Q3 report (November 2021-July 2022) on August 26, 2022, in
accordance with its financial calendar


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