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Finanshuse: Aktier kan løftes af enorm ledig likviditet og afvikling af shortpositioner

Morten W. Langer

mandag 12. september 2022 kl. 11:54

Uddrag fra Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Spotgamma:

Remember money on the sidelines?
New recent highs…
The “asymmetry” chart stressing bears
Guess our most recent bounce logic has some more room to squeeze…The asymmetry changed quickly and the CTA crowd needs to chase this further. The 1 week flow is not the interesting stuff. It is the projected 1 month flows that have huge asymmetry worth considering. Goldman’s Scott Rubner outlines:

In a “FLAT TAPE” over next 1-month we model -$14 Billion for SALE globally…nothing big

In a “UP 2SD” move over the next 1-month we model +$161.3 Billion to BUY globally…this is HUGE

In a “DOWN 2SD” move over the next 1-month we model -$60.7 Billion for SALE globally

Boss – “get rid of those puts”
The crowd loaded up on puts at recent market lows…and have been busy puking those puts as we have squeezed higher. Note there is some more selling of puts to be executed before people realize they spent all that money on pretty much worthless protection….again.
Depressed NAAIM
Very bearish just in time for the violent bounce…
Yields are back to the pre-Global financial crisis era
Bond yields across governments and corporates (%).
Oil equities outperformance: extreme
E&P outperformance slighted widened vs. the 12 mos. strip, totaling 23% over the past ~1.5 mos. (stocks up / oil down). According to the MS Thematic Strategy group, this level of relative outperformance vs. physical is rarely precedented, and in each instance, has corrected. Divergence has lasted above 20% for more than 2 mos. only three times – in the immediate aftermath of ’08, YE ’14, and in the wake of “Negative Oil” in 2020, each lasting slightly over 3 mos. In both ’08 and ’14, divergence results from oil prices dropping while stocks maintained their value, but still moved in the same direction as oil.
Morgan Stanley
Puking Europe
Worst outflow episode for European equities since 2016.


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Analyse af og prognoser for Fixed Income (statsrenter og realkreditrenter)

Direkte adgang til opdaterede analyser fra toneangivende finanshuse:

Goldman Sachs


Danske Bank

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ABN Amro

Jyske Bank





Merril Lynch 

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Realkredit Danmark


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Yardeni – Central Bank Balance Sheet FED Watch Monitor Tool

