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Nordkoreansk missil flyver direkte over Japan

Morten W. Langer

tirsdag 29. august 2017 kl. 0:50

Live Feed from NHK (in Japanese)

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Update 3: According to Richard Haass, president of the CFR, the “N. Korea missile test over Japan will stimulate missile defense buildup as well as intensify consideration of preventive military action

N Korea missile test over Japan will stimulate missile defense buildup as well as intensify consideration of preventive military action

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Update 2: The Pentagon confirms North Korea conducted a missile launch in last 90 minutes which flew over Japan, and adds that the North Korea missile didn’t threaten North America.

“We assess North Korea conducted a missile launch within the last 90 minutes. We can confirm that the missile launched by North Korea flew over Japan,” Pentagon says in statement.

U.S. says it’s still assessing launch; NORAD determined launch did not pose a threat to North America

“We are working closely with Pacific Command, Strategic Command and NORAD and will provide an update as soon as possible”

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Update: Japan PM Abe, speaking to reporters in Tokyo after the launch, said North Korea appears to have fired a missile that flew over Japan. According to subsequent reports as many as three separate ballistic missiles may have been launched.

“It seems that DPRK missile passed over our airspace,” Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said adding that the government was urgently collecting intelligence on the incident and doing everything to ensure the safety of its citizens.

Source: CNN

Abe’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga adds that while North Korea has made multiple threats and missile launches since last year, a missile flying over Japanese terriority is a unprecedented, grave and serious threat to Japan’s safety.  He also said that Launch is extremely problematic and dangerous, and a clear violation of UN Security Council violations.

Suga also said that one missile was launched and landed 1,180km east of Hokkaido’s Cape Erimo, northeastern Japan, and that Japan protested the missile launch using the strongest possible terms

NHK, Japan’s national public broadcasting organization, reported the Japanese government issued a warning to people living in northern prefectures to take cover near strong structures after reports of the launch. It also added that multiple missiles were fired by North Korea. Finally, NHK notes that the missile appears to have broken up into 3 parts.

Citing government sources, NHK reports that the missile likely landed off eastern coast of Hokkaido.

The North Korea missile reportedly passed over Hokkaido around 6:06am JST.

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Three days after North Korea launched three short-range ballisitic missiles, a move which as we discussed last night was met virtually without any response by the US administration and which we said would embolden North Korea to proceed with further provocations, Kim Jong Un has done just that and moments ago Yonhap reported that North Korea has fired another missile.


Yonhap also adds that the projectile was fired into the East Sea.

According to Japan’s NHK, the Japanese government warns that the North Korea missile is headed toward Northern Japan:


Shortly after the launch, the Japanese government urged citizens to take refuge in solid buildings or underground shelters.

Source: @RussianMarket

The North Korea missile passed over Hokkaido around 6:06am JST, according to NHK, while the South Korean military confirms North Korean ballistic missile flew over Japan.

The USDJPY is tumbling on the news…

Japanese equity market futures plunged to 4-month lows…

The S&P is lower, and Gold higher…

And VIX is surging:

… Although the latest update from NHK is that contrary to initial reports, the missile has passed over Japan, reportedly over Hokkaido:


NHK also adds that Japan did not attempt to shoot down the missile:


Unconfirmed reports state that the launch was from a submarine:

If the Japanese report is accurate, and a N.Korean missile indeed flew over Japan, it will be seen as a substantial escalation in hostilities and will most likely merit a response.

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RawPawg's picture


too soon?


Truther's picture

Something is fucking awfully wrong with this admin. Too many rumblings going on, on top of sanctions everywhere, and MOAR WAR seem to be heating up for THE major distraction of a COSMIC Financial event.

Me thinks.


SmackDaddy's picture

“I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal.”  – General Curtis LeMay

We didnt need to nuke the Japs.  But after we firebombed the shit out of civilians we had to force uncondition surrender.


yomutti2's picture

Time to start wiping out these Nork missiles when they roll them out to the pad.



GUS100CORRINA's picture

North Korea Fires Missile Which Flies Over Japan

My response: JAPAN must be loving this latest display of NK technology. The little Japanese children are looking up into the sky and saying to Mom and Dad: Look, Korean fireworks!!!


Countrybunkererd's picture

Look mommy there is an airplane up in the sky.


sickavme's picture

It goes over their airspace, but still don’t shoot it down?


WTF dude, start shooting back… Appeasement/being laid back helps no one… That kind of shit results in bullshit like antifa…



solidtare's picture

Subprime Distraction ?

Published on Feb 13, 2008

Multiple Cy Young Award winner Roger Clemens was on Capitol Hill Wednesday where he denied claims by former trainer Brian McNamee and teammate Andy Pettitte that he had used performance enhancing drugs. (Feb. 13)


skbull44's picture

“…If the Japanese report is accurate…”

If is the operative word. It’s almost impossible to believe what is ‘reported’ nowadays…especially by our various ‘leaders’ in government.


solidtare's picture

Point being, fake outrage over “juicing” was all those swamp clowns were capable of:


or as Andrew Bacevich asks:…

A citizen might ask: What more does the Congress need to reassert its constitutional prerogatives on matters related to war? … Otherwise, why do we pay these people?


earleflorida's picture

hasss the cfr

what a joke

get the fuck out of peoples backyard and problem solved


espirit's picture

The USAF at Misawa AB didn’t intercept?

I smell horseshit…


Post-Truth Society's picture

Trump is a Muslim scumbag.

Earlier MSM news reports cut off his condemnation of the Christians in Texas.  Even ZH is too afraid to report it.  Pussies.

Now NK knows Trump is a Muzzie scum, and is not afraid.  End times will be upon us soon.  Trump is preparing his alliance with Saudis and Israel for final battle.

God’s wrath is coming; storm in Texas is only the beginning.



Libtard's picture

I agree with your last statement.


Giant Meteor's picture

Holy shit! Settle down you eager beaver!

Report. report. report !

Tell us more, more, more … !

Ok, deep breath. calm down ..

What did you see and hear?

Was there a flash? A bright light? Human beans vaporizing into little bitty pieces?

By the way friend, the end times been upon us, since those words were first spoken, recorded in the first book of end times. The end times are here and now, and have never left us. Don’t believe me? Why I’ve got a few close friends and relations that have experienced the end times already. They’re dead!

The end!

This is the end, my only friend, the end, the end ..

All this zealotry, and blaspheming, so little time ..



Blankone's picture

They know exactly where the missile came from and the flight path it took. South Korea is loaded up with all sorts of radar and early detection systems. So are those US bases in Japan.

Was there a missile? Did it fly that direction but then ditch before reaching Japan’s territorial waters? Did it fly into territorial waters and ditch well before going over land?

They know.


Stuck on Zero's picture

Someone should send a stealth drone over NK and drop leaflets all over outside of one of the L’il Kim’s state dinners. He’ll get the message … silent death possibility.


serotonindumptruck's picture

More importantly, what’s Trump and the Pentagon going to do?

A new war on the Korean peninsula would be great cover for an economic collapse.


BrownCoat's picture

Great cover for China’s economic collapse too!


garcam123's picture

Didn’t you know, FOOL?

They haven’t paid their missle bill for 3 years.

Those fuckers are so broke and suckin US dick they couyldn’t shoot in their underware!


popeye's picture

Check out a map. Aim east or south east and the trajectory takes it over heavily industrialised and populated areas of Japan. Further south with that range and its heading towards Taiwan, Okinawa or the Philippines. You reckon a shot towards Okinawa would be a good idea?

So, DPRK want to test a weapon, and fire it in the direction least likely to trigger a violent reaction (over agricultural and thinly populated Hokkaido).

Why continue testing? Tillerson said DPRK need to be forced to the negotiation table, even though thats a table the US refuses to sit at. China & Russia recommend DPRK cease missile tests and South Korea and US cease military exercises that DPRK perceive as a thinly veiled threat.

Well, the US and SK ignored that recommendation and insisted on holding a military exercise including 70k+ military personnel (cf the Russian Zapad drill of around 15k military personnel + 85k civil authorities thats got NATOs knickers all twisted up). So what do you expect DPRK to do? Continue testing of course.

No-one in this game wants to show weakness or be the first to step down – thats the dangerous part. Schoolyard diplomacy.


BrownCoat's picture

@ popeye,

We got lucky (not lucky soon enough) with McCain. Maybe FatBoy’s heart will give out.



Simplifiedfrisbee's picture

Someone must summon the urine faced white Messiah.



toady's picture

They didn’t shoot it down… or they couldn’t shoot it down?


SmackDaddy's picture

“Dont believe the fake news media, everything they say is lies.  Except of course when then tell me Syria, Iran, and North Korea are evil.  Thats true.  And me must intervene or else muh freedom.”

-your average Kosher Conservative.  The worst kind of “patriot”


richsob's picture

The best estimates were 1,000,000 Americans and Japanese would have died in an invasion of the Japanese homeland.  Do the math, dude.  Of course the bombs saved lives.  But that fact won’t square with your mental attitude toward the U.S. will it?  Yea, those Americans drop nuclear bombs on every SOB out there who gets in our way.  /sarcasm off


Peak Finance's picture


1,000,000 would have died Goy!

Because for some unknown reason a defeated island nation with a destroyed navy can’t be blockaded into submission!


Dancing Disraeli's picture

A blockade can kill a lot of people.


NiggaPleeze's picture


Where is your proof 1 million would have died?  Sounds like a self-serving number.

What about a blockade?  Japan’s quite waterlocked.

OR … What about ACCEPTING Japan’s offer of surrender in May 1945?  Their only conditions were that the Emperor retain his position and not be tried for war crimes, and after the nukes and unconditional surrender, he did remain Emperor and was not tried for war crimes.


Bay of Pigs's picture

LeMay was a fucking psycho.

Those types of people are the worst to listen to in a crisis situation.


JRobby's picture

Comes at a splendid time! When is that asteroid due in?


Lorca's Novena's picture

Have you not noticed the constant 24hrs/day bombardment of our elected Prez? Or the subversion by his peers in the GOP? or the blatant lies coming out of the (((rat))) infested news channels?


Yeah, something is wrong


subversion's picture

He is the law and order candidate.

All this subversion in the press and politics, violence in the streets, re-arming the police and playing to their side……I would expect martial law soon.


garcam123's picture

They want those automatic weapons out to the Stasi……stat……..some shit is getting ready to go down soon.

I’m buyin rice and beans when I go to the store today, been thinking about it for a while.  Get ready America……..

Furer Trump is about to cede power to the MIC completely in the open and it’s fuck you America!

Game on!


DjangoCat's picture

Sure are a lot of distractions going on.  A number of commentators are calling a reset, including my man, Putrid.


stant's picture

We are shipping armour into Easter Europe as fast as they can. Vlad is sending train loads to


chunga's picture

Makes me wonder what else is in play because it’s hard to imagine what Kim can possibly gain with provocations like this, if they’re true.


truthseeker47's picture

Seems that Little Kim just gave Japan the perfect excuse to launch something back at Pingpong.


pound the vix's picture



No Time for Fishing's picture

If you try and miss the psycological value of the missle defense and negoiating power that brings is lost. Our missle defense is designed to defend an area by tracking a missle from launch to inbound and destroy before it hits its target if the target is the area being defended. For these we would have to target based off of launch and chase and would fail.


Marcecamb's picture

Because the destroyers capable to do that has been terminated. Anyway, the show is about China and the 2-3 trillion dollars debt USA has with them.


Cash Is King's picture

That would be an act of war silly! Geez.


No Time for Fishing's picture

You have to put a missle defense system in place, Japan has none at the moment then you have to have Korea fire it’s missles at the area defended and then hope the defense works.


JRobby's picture

That would be a plot killer

That would be a gravy train killer

That would be a ________________


indio007's picture

Because they can’t.


“Don’t Believe The Hype.”

– Chuck D


wisefool's picture

We need helium 3. The only way you can do that is with a mission to the moon.

pay attention. pay taxes to anybody who thinks they are smart.


guru69's picture

You make absolutely no sense.  I want a pound of what you’re smoking.

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