Ifølge en analyse fra J.P. Morgan øger lande og virksomheders forsøg på at reducere deres CO2-aftryk efterspørgslen efter mineraler, især metaller som kobber og nikkel, der er afgørende for vedvarende energi og elektriske køretøjer. Derved kommer mineindustrien paradoksalt nok til at spille en afgørende rolle i den grønne omstilling.
Analysens hovedpunkter er:
- While replacing fossil-fuelled power generation with clean energy will reduce demand for coal and gas, it fundamentally changes our power generation from a fuel-intensive to a materials-intensive system
- There is some irony in mining companies as winners in a greener future. Basic materials account for 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions and mining operations often cause significant harm to the environment. From a broader (…) ESG standpoint there can also be broader health and safety, and corruption, concerns in some areas of the industry.
- Clearly, the mining industry is part of the carbon emissions problem but also part of the solution. (…) Encouraging mining companies and their suppliers to switch from fossil fuels to green electricity can significantly reduce their carbon footprint.”
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