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Finanshus: 75 % af de bedste startups arbejder med AI – kunstig intelligens

Morten W. Langer

mandag 09. september 2024 kl. 17:24

Guide: Sådan anvendes ChatGPT ansvarligt på arbejdspladsen

Uddrag fra MarketEar

200 million users

On 29th August, OpenAI reported that ChatGPT has surpassed more than 200 million active users. Fortune 500 companies are heavily dependent on OpenAI, with around 92% of them using the latter’s products, per an OpenAI spokesperson. According to her, the API usage has also doubled since the launch of GPT-4o.

75% of “best” startups working on AI

Of the 208 startups currently listed in the YC S24 startup directory, a staggering 156 — or 75% — are working on AI-related products. That’s more than any cohort in history, and it follows the news that nearly half of all US venture capital investment went to AI companies last quarter.

Source: Sherwood


Sovereign AI

“Mr. Tamba spoke to the benefits of building and maintaining AI infrastructure within the sovereign boundaries of Japan to ultimately drive revenue that would contribute to the Japanese economy, as opposed to ‘outsourcing’ the training and inference of LLMs to an established hyperscaler outside of Japan.” (GS)


“Demand for NVIDIA is coming from frontier model makers, consumer Internet services, and tens of thousands of companies and startups building generative AI applications for consumers, advertising, education, enterprise and healthcare, and robotics” (NVDA)

Hurrah! More chatbots

“The enterprise AI wave has started. Enterprises also drove sequential revenue growth in the quarter. We are working with most of the Fortune 100 companies on AI initiatives across industries and geographies. A range of applications are fueling our growth, including AI-powered chatbots, generative AI Copilots, and agents to build new monetizable business applications and enhance employee productivity.” (NVDA)

Do you feel safe?

Nearly half of the AI safety researchers at OpenAI have left the company. Sam Altman and Greg Brockman have been consolidating power, and that people who are primarily focused on thinking about AGI safety and preparedness are being increasingly marginalized.

Source: EV


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