Et indlæg bragt i Harvard Law School Forum belyser konsekvenserne af Højesteretsdommen “Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College” for amerikanske virksomheders erhvervslivets DEI-programmer (diversitet, lighed og inklusion).
“A growing number of activist shareholders, often funded by conservatively backed organizations, have made a wave of demands and proposals seeking DEI policy retractions or reverse racial audits. Some shareholder proposals have been accompanied by threats of reverse discrimination litigation—and SFFA has, in fact, fueled new rounds of litigation.”
“White men have brought similar cases around the country. One alleges that a large pharma company discriminated in pursuit of its DEI goals and sought to “eliminate” older white males. Elsewhere, a plaintiff says in a suit that Expedia declined to offer him a job in favor of a more “diverse candidate.””
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