Ifølge New York Times forsøgte den britiske premierminister Keir Starmer at balancere mellem ambitioner om en grøn energirevolution og en beskyttelse af Nordsøens olie- og gasindustri, der beskæftiger 120.000 mennesker i hovedsageligt vellønnede jobs.
Udklip fra artiklen:
- In the coming months, the government will face a tricky balancing act of pursuing its clean energy agenda while supporting an industry that the country still relies on for energy and jobs.
- The scale of renewables isn’t quite there to allow it to be an easy and swift transition for that work force,” said Sandy Bonner, president of Bilfinger UK, an engineering company, which has around 1,200 people working on North Sea oil platforms. Mr. Bonner noted that some of those installations have crews of up to 200 people, while near-shore wind farms are maintained by no more than 12.
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