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Danske Bank: Grønland har lille effekt på dansk økonomi

Morten W. Langer

tirsdag 14. januar 2025 kl. 9:30


”If the US hits Danish companies with tariffs over the question of Greenland, that could be quite disruptive but would likely not have a large impact on total Danish exports. Greenland leaving the Danish realm is a possibility also without the US interest but would not have big consequences in a narrow economic sense for Denmark. US president-elect Donald Trump has restated his view that the US should ”buy” Greenland from Denmark, and when asked at a press conference yesterday, did not rule out economic or military pressure to achieve that goal. US tariffs or other sanctions that target Denmark could potentially be quite harmful to Danish companies as the US is Denmark’s biggest trading partner and the destination for 17.5% of goods exports, a number that has risen steeply in recent years. However, only 23% of that is exports in the traditional sense of goods moving physically from Denmark to the US. For example, Novo Nordisk has substantial production on US soil, and that is also the case for other large Danish companies.”

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Morten W. Langer

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