Ifølge et studie fra Oxfarm har verdens rigeste 1 procent allerede brugt deres fair andel af det globale CO2-budget for 2025. På ti dage har de i gennemsnit via deres forbrug udledt 2,1 tons CO2 – hvilket tager de fattigste 50 procent af verdens befolkning tre år at udlede, skriver the Guardian.
Udklip fra artiklen:
- According to the analysis, the richest 1% – about 77 million people, including all those earning more than $140,000 (£114,000) a year – are responsible for more than twice as much carbon pollution each year as the poorest half of humanity.
- Previous research on climate inequality by Oxfam found that the two private jets owned by Jeff Bezos, the Amazon founder, spent nearly 25 days in the air over a 12-month period, releasing as much carbon as an Amazon employee in the US would in 207 years.
- In order to align with the pathway to 1.5C, the richest 1% would have to reduce their 2015 level of emissions by 97% by 2030. But according to Oxfam’s analysis, they are likely to reduce emissions by only 5%.
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