I 2025 vil politiske forskelle, især drevet af Donald Trumps tilbagevenden som USA’s præsident, forstærke splittelsen i synet på bæredygtige investeringer, hvor Europa fører an i ESG-initiativer, mens anti-ESG kredse har momentum i USA, skriver Reuters.
Udklip fra artiklen:
- “We anticipate that in 2025, we’ll see a resilience for sustainable investment globally, although it’s likely that there will remain core differences between the U.S. and Europe’s approach,” said Tom Willman, Regulatory Lead at sustainability tech firm Clarity AI.
- The regional split was evident among sustainable investment in the year to the end of September, with U.S. funds seeing clients withdraw a combined $15.9 billion as European funds took in $37.3 billion, data from industry tracker Morningstar showed.
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