En domstol i Texas har netop fastslået, at American Airlines misforvaltede medarbejdernes pensionsmidler ved at anvende kapitalforvaltere, særligt BlackRock, der lader ESG-hensyn influere på investeringsbeslutningerne, skriver det amerikanske medie ZeroHedge.
Retten konkluderede: “For reasons explained below, the Court concludes that the facts compellingly demonstrated that Defendant (American Airlines, red.) breached their fiduciary duty by failing to loyally act solely in the retirement plan’s best financial interests by allowing their corporate interest, as well as BlackRock’s ESG interest, to influence management of the plan.”
Retten lagde i den forbindelse vægt på, at ESG-investeringer har underpræsteret i forhold til traditionelle investeringer: “For instance, when compared to the S&P 500 and the Russell 1000 indices in 2023, ESG funds dramatically underperformed non-ESG funds, with ESG-related funds returning about 8 percent compared to about 14 percent for both indices.”
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