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Meta-Melt-up: Meta sprinter fra andre Mag7-aktier

Morten W. Langer

søndag 16. februar 2025 kl. 20:34

Chefredaktøren har ordet – 1. kvartalstal løfter aktier trods øget nervøsitet

Uddrag fra Marketear


Another day, another record for META, the stock that can’t go down. RSI at 84. Let’s have a look at what might have started the rally.

Source: Refinitiv


How it started

How it started…the insane 20-day run basically started when Zuck took a peek…Seems like Miss Market respects a man who looks where he wants. Zuck is now both 20 years younger and 20 billion dollars richer than Jeff. So…maybe baby…

Or is it a Trump trade…?

It hasn’t had a down day since before the inauguration. Best ROI donation ever….

“Meta has donated $1 million to Donald Trump’s inaugural fund in the latest sign CEO Mark Zuckerberg is trying to repair his relationship with the president-elect”

….or this….?

Was the Joe Rogan interview the catalyst? When Zuck branded his new “molly dealer from Chechnya” look…


Or maybe this…?

Front-kick firing fighter king. This was absolutely savage.

“I’ve decided to raise the bar on performance management and move out low performers faster,” (Zuck, Jan 14th).

350% later

Maybe it was this…..? META is up 350% since Zuck posted this picture. Deal with it.

Most magnificent ever

The 20 days is the longest winning streak in history for any Magnificent 7 stock, and one of the greatest runs in history.

Source: @barchart


The only one

Returns so far in 2025 for the Mag 7 and the respective constituents, as well as for the S&P 500 and the S&P 500 (excluding Mag 7). Only META is ahead of the index this year at +25%.

Source: Koyfin


It can get even better

“Only” +20.5% during these 20 days. The stock has had plenty of 20-day stretches better than that.

Source: @MikeZaccardi


Stepping into the buyback octagon

In 2018, Meta returned ~$5 billion to shareholders yearly via share repurchases. Over the past 12 months, Meta has returned $48 billion via share repurchases and $4 billion via dividends, totalling $52 billion.

Source: Koyfin


It’s Meta’s world….

….and we’re all just living in it. Sure, you’ve got YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, and a handful of other social/social-adjacent platforms still competing with notable userbases, but TikTok stood next to YouTube as the biggest driver of engagement + cultural influence.

Source: PEW


It’s a long game

“Over the long term, we continue to see META mgmt as focused less on the forward 6-12 months (while not losing sight of the need to consistently execute) and more on long-term opportunities (artificial intelligence & Reality Labs)….We continue to see META as well-positioned against several long-term secular growth themes” (Goldman)

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