Fra Zerohedge:
As Gluskin Sheff’s David Rosenberg notes, “No contagion, eh? The only folks that can’t see it in the FX and commodity markets spend too much of their day gazing at the SPX and Russell 2000. There is no decoupling, just lags.”
However, even more seriously, the contagion has spread to the banking system…
And the world’s most systemically important banks just tumbled to their weakest since…
If there’s no contagion from tightening financial conditions, then explain that collapse!!
European bank stocks have just entered a bear market… as fears over Turkey spread.
Danske Bank aktien er tilbage på marts 2015 niveau. aktien er ramt fra tre sider: Hvidvasksagen, faldende obligationsrenter og risikoen for en nye EM krise i kølvandet på Tyrkiet krisen.