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Analyser fra internationale finanshuse

Morten W. Langer

onsdag 26. juni 2024 kl. 11:30

Analyser fra internationale finanshuse

CitiGroup: Insurance: Why Digital Transformation is Critical. “Insurers face competitive challenges. In response, they are digitally transforming claim payments, premium collections and customer interaction. Collaborations with banks will be key as insurers seek to accelerate change and underpin future success. In a world marked by a shifting financial landscape, a dynamic interest rate environment and increasing geopolitical risks, the insurance industry remains robust. With sturdy capital buffers and a solid foundation, insurers are well positioned to weather continued uncertainties. Swiss Re Institute forecasts global real premium growth of 2.2% annually in 2024 and 2025, compared to an average of 1.6% over the past five years.1 Despite this buoyant outlook, established insurance companies face heightened competition from new entrants, including large tech companies and innovative insurtech startups with digital-first approaches. The influx of disruptors adopting new technology adds complexity to the landscape.”

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Danske Bank Spending Monitor: Fynboerne og nordjyderne så højest forbrugsvækst i maj. ”Forbruget målt på kortbetalinger steg på landsplan med 4 procent i maj sammen-lignet med samme måned sidste år. Korrigeret for inflation og eksklusiv energi var forbruget på landsplan 2,3 procent højere end i maj sidste år. Fynboerne øgede forbruget mest i maj sammenlignet med samme måned sidste år, tæt forfulgt af nordjyderne, begge med knap 6 procent. Det var særligt et stærkt rejse- og restaurantforbrug, der trak op på Fyn i forhold til andre landsdele. I Nordjylland var det i højere grad i detailhandlen, særligt i gør-det-selv forretninger og kosmetikforretninger, at forbruget voksede relativt til andre landsdele.”

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Morgan Stanley: Watch Out for the Market’s Summer Surprises. “While complacent investors expect markets to grind higher, the summer months could instead bring a rise in uncertainty and volatility. Mixed economic data introduces risks if new readings don’t align with investor expectations. In addition, current loose financial conditions could reverse as bank reserves and balances in a key Fed lending facility dwindle. Uncertainty surrounding the outcome of a U.S. presidential election with major economic implications may also roil markets. Investors should focus on portfolio diversification and consider investments such as real assets and investment-grade credit.”

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Goldman Sachs: Olieforbruget vil stige de næste ti år.

”Goldman Sachs Research forecasts, in its base case, oil demand to peak at 110 million barrels a day by 2034. In a scenario with slower EV adoption, oil demand could keep increasing towards 113 million barrels a day by 2040. The thirst for oil will be driven by increased demand for petrochemicals and specialized refined products such as jet fuel, rather than gasoline for automobiles. Petrochemicals are produced from petroleum or natural gas and are used in everything from plastics to soaps. Among oil products, we expect gasoline demand to peak around 2028, but petrochemical demand growth could more than offset the gasoline demand decline through 2040. Once oil demand peaks in about 2034, it will probably begin a moderate decline with a CAGR of 0.3% till 2040. Our researchers predict that China will see growing demand for oil until late 2020s.”

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Danske Bank: EPBD a key boost to EU’s building renovation push. “After two and a half years of back and forth, the revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) was finally published in the Of ficial Journal of the EU on 8 May, setting its entry into force to 28 May. The EPBD revision
– a much-contended piece of legislation proposed in December 2021 under the European Commission’s broader ‘Fit for 55’ package of legislative revisions – takes aim at delivering a fully decarbonised building stock in the EU by 2050. Given that buildings are the single largest energy consumer in Europe, being responsible for 40% of EU energy consumption and by extension 36% of GHG emissions, the transition of the building sector is a precondition for the EU to meet its climate goals and ensuring ef ficient use of energy. Against this backdrop, the EPBD is considered a key legislative tool that is intended to ensure that the existing building stock is incrementally renovated over the coming decades and that new buildings have zero emissions by 2030.”

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Morten W. Langer

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