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ISM erhvervsindikator fra USA: Nu får forstærket recessionsfrygt det hele til at ramle

Morten W. Langer

fredag 02. august 2024 kl. 6:02

ØU kommentar: Torsdagens ISM data fra de amerikanske indkøbschefers organisation var langt ringere end forventet. Investorerne vil nu begynde at fokusere på, at sandsynligheden for en amerikansk recession er markant stigende. På den korte bane hjælper det ikke, at der nu forventes 3-4 rentesænkninger i år fra den amerikanske centralbank.

ISM Manufacturing PMI (Jul)

46.8 – aktuel
48.8- forventet
48.5- forrige

Construction Spending MoM (Jun)

ISM Manufacturing Employment (Jul)

ISM Manufacturing New Orders (Jul)

ISM Manufacturing Prices (Jul)


Manufacturing PMI® at 46.8%

July 2024 Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business®

New Orders and Backlogs Contracting
Production and Employment Contracting
Supplier Deliveries Slowing
Raw Materials Inventories Contracting; Customers’ Inventories Too Low
Prices Increasing; Exports and Imports Contracting

(Tempe, Arizona) — Economic activity in the manufacturing sector contracted in July for the fourth consecutive month and the 20th time in the last 21 months, say the nation’s supply executives in the latest Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business®.

The report was issued today by Timothy R. Fiore, CPSM, C.P.M., Chair of the Institute for Supply Management® (ISM®) Manufacturing Business Survey Committee:

“The Manufacturing PMI® registered 46.8 percent in July, down 1.7 percentage points from the 48.5 percent recorded in June. The overall economy continued in expansion for the 51st month after one month of contraction in April 2020. (A Manufacturing PMI® above 42.5 percent, over a period of time, generally indicates an expansion of the overall economy.) The New Orders Index remained in contraction territory, registering 47.4 percent, 1.9 percentage points lower than the 49.3 percent recorded in June. The July reading of the Production Index (45.9 percent) is 2.6 percentage points lower than June’s figure of 48.5 percent. The Prices Index registered 52.9 percent, up 0.8 percentage point compared to the reading of 52.1 percent in June. The Backlog of Orders Index registered 41.7 percent, equaling its June reading. The Employment Index registered 43.4 percent, down 5.9 percentage points from June’s figure of 49.3 percent.

“The Supplier Deliveries Index indicated slowing deliveries, registering 52.6 percent, 2.8 percentage points higher than the 49.8 percent recorded in June. (Supplier Deliveries is the only ISM® Report On Business® index that is inversed; a reading of above 50 percent indicates slower deliveries, which is typical as the economy improves and customer demand increases.) The Inventories Index registered 44.5 percent, down 0.9 percentage point compared to June’s reading of 45.4 percent.

“The New Export Orders Index reading of 49 percent is 0.2 percentage point higher than the 48.8 percent registered in June. The Imports Index remained in contraction territory in July, registering 48.6 percent, 0.1 percentage point higher than the 48.5 percent reported in June.”

Fiore continues, “U.S. manufacturing activity entered deeper into contraction. Demand was weak again, output declined, and inputs stayed generally accommodative. Demand slowing was reflected by the (1) New Orders Index dropping further into contraction, (2) New Export Orders Index continuing in contraction, (3) Backlog of Orders Index remaining in strong contraction territory, and (4) Customers’ Inventories Index moving lower to the higher end of ‘too low’. Output (measured by the Production and Employment indexes) declined compared to June, with a combined 8.5-percentage point downward impact on the Manufacturing PMI® calculation. Panelists’ companies reduced production levels month over month as head-count reductions continued in July. Inputs — defined as supplier deliveries, inventories, prices and imports — generally continued to accommodate future demand growth.

“Demand remains subdued, as companies show an unwillingness to invest in capital and inventory due to current federal monetary policy and other conditions. Production execution was down compared to June, likely adding to revenue declines, putting additional pressure on profitability. Suppliers continue to have capacity, with lead times improving and shortages not as severe. Eighty-six percent of manufacturing gross domestic product (GDP) contracted in July, up from 62 percent in June. More concerning: The share of sector GDP registering a composite PMI® calculation at or below 45 percent (a good barometer of overall manufacturing weakness) was 53 percent in July, 39 percentage points higher than the 14 percent reported in June. Notably, all six of the largest manufacturing industries — Machinery; Transportation Equipment; Fabricated Metal Products; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; Chemical Products; and Computer & Electronic Products — contracted in July,” says Fiore.

The five manufacturing industries reporting growth in July are: Printing & Related Support Activities; Petroleum & Coal Products; Miscellaneous Manufacturing; Furniture & Related Products; and Nonmetallic Mineral Products. The 11 industries reporting contraction in July — in the following order — are: Primary Metals; Plastics & Rubber Products; Machinery; Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components; Transportation Equipment; Fabricated Metal Products; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; Wood Products; Paper Products; Chemical Products; and Computer & Electronic Products.


  • “Business is relatively flat — the same volume, but smaller orders.” [Chemical Products]
  • “Demand continued to soften into the second half of the year. Supply chain pipelines and inventories remain full, reducing the need for overtime. Geopolitical issues between China and Taiwan as well as the election in November remain weighing concerns.” [Transportation Equipment]
  • “Even though we are used to a seasonal reduction in business over the summer, consumer behavior is changing more than normal. Sales are lighter, and customer orders are coming in under forecasts. It seems consumers are starting to pull back on spending.” [Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products]
  • “Availability of parts is good, with small exceptions of missing materials here and there. Ordering is still well below typical levels as we continue to burn down inventory of raw goods, with ‘normal’ ordering trends expected to return sometime in the second half of 2024.” [Computer & Electronic Products]
  • “It seems that the economy is slowing down significantly. The number of sales calls received from new suppliers is increasing significantly. Our own order backlog is also diminishing. We are hoping for an increase in customer demand, or we will possibly need to make organizational changes.” [Machinery]
  • “Unfortunately, our business is experiencing the sharpest decline in order levels in a year. We were well below our budget target in June; as a result, it was the first month this year that we had negative net income.” [Fabricated Metal Products]
  • “Business is slowing, and we are taking cost actions.” [Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components]
  • “Some markets that are usually unwavering are showing weakness. Weather is the common factor, but only so much.” [Nonmetallic Mineral Products]
  • “Our sales forecast for July and August are slow, but we’re making every attempt to remedy that situation. Our medical end-user customers continue to meet their forecasts, which is promising.” [Textile Mills]
  • “Elevated financing costs have dampened demand for residential investment. This has reduced our need for component products and inventory.” [Wood Products]

July 2024

IndexSeries Index JulSeries Index JunPercentage Point ChangeDirectionRate of ChangeTrend* (Months)
Manufacturing PMI®46.848.5-1.7ContractingFaster4
New Orders47.449.3-1.9ContractingFaster4
Supplier Deliveries52.649.8+2.8SlowingFrom Faster1
Customers’ Inventories45.847.4-1.6Too LowFaster8
Backlog of Orders41.741.70.0ContractingSame22
New Export Orders49.048.8+0.2ContractingSlower2
Manufacturing SectorContractingFaster4
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