”The latest S&P Global PMI™ Commodity Price & Supply Indicators signalled a sustained easing in price pressures across the global manufacturing sector at the end of the third quarter. The Global Price Pressures Index edged down from 0.8 in August to 0.6 in September to remain below the long-run average. Moreover, the latest reading was indicative of the softest increase in prices since March. Four of the 26 monitored commodities recorded a fall in prices. Semiconductors saw the steepest fall, with reports of price reductions over three times the usual level. Price cuts were also signalled for iron, steel and stainless steel. Supply pressures also eased slightly during the latest survey period, as the Global Supply Shortages Index dipped to 0.5, the lowest since January 2020. All 20 monitored commodities saw reported shortages either at or below the long-run series average, with reports of improved availability of transport, rubber, food and textiles.” Læs hele rapporten her.
Morten W. Langer