I notat fra et amerikansk advokatfirma, hedder det blandt andet, at følgende spørgsmål er i spil: ”How does the company assess the risk of its use of new technologies and AI, including whether the use of new technologies could potentially expose the company to criminal liabilities? How has the company mitigated or curbed risks associated with the use of new technologies and AI, in both its commercial business and its compliance programs? This includes both unintended consequences from the use of such technologies and intentional or reckless conduct by its employees. Is the company’s risk management of new technologies and AI incorporated into the broader enterprise risk management framework? Has the company implemented controls to monitor the use of AI, both in the company’s business and its compliance program, to ensure its trustworthiness, reliability, and use in compliance with applicable law and the company’s own code of conduct?”
Morten W. Langer