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Analyser af ledelse, geopolitik, AI og digitalisering

Morten W. Langer

tirsdag 16. april 2024 kl. 11:30

Analyser af ledelse, geopolitik, AI og digitalisering

Danske Bank: “Euro area productivity will keep falling behind”: “The chronic underperformance of euro area productivity growth compared to the United States over the past three decades is glaring, and it has vast implications on markets and the economy. • Back in 1995, productivity levels in the US and the euro area were neck on neck. But since then, the US has pulled ahead significantly, boasting an average annual growth rate of 1.7% in labour productivity, while the euro area has fallen far behind, only managing a 0.9% average annual increase. • In this analysis, we argue that euro area productivity growth has been lower than US due to weaker adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), lower public investments, a less educated workforce, and regulatory constraints. • We expect weak euro area productivity relative to the US to continue as Europe lags in new transversal technologies and regulatory hurdles persist. Public investments under RRF and progress on regulation, including a capital market union, support productivity, but large gains are far away.” Læs hele analysen her.

ABNamro: What can AI do to fight climate change? “Artificial intelligence affects our day-to-day life but its impact is not for everyone clear and transparent. Artificial Intelligence can have a substantial impact on sustainability. In this report we focus on what Artificial intelligence can do in fighting climate change. We show the advantages of using AI for sustainability but also some of its drawbacks. Artificial Intelligence can help in the fight against climate change. Its computing power can be used to improve climate models, energy efficiency, waste management, water management and grid management, reduce carbon footprints, and help farming and biodiversity conservation.” Læs hele analysen her.

Morgan Stanley: “AI Demand Hits a Tipping Point”. CEOs are focused on traditional and generative AI solutions for potential cost savings and productivity, and they are looking to technology companies to provide those solutions. Investors are analyzing the strong runup in chip designers’ and manufacturers’ revenue and monitoring potential tailwinds in data center needs, hyperscaler partnerships and inference computing use cases that could fuel future growth. Investors are also eyeing AI software companies that are disrupting customer service, marketing, financial analysis and general productivity workflows.” Læs hele analysen her.

ING: Europe exits winter with record gas storage. European gas prices are likely to remain under pressure with the region having exited the 2023/24 heating season with record storage. Despite a comfortable US market, we expect the US natural gas balance to tighten with flat supply growth and stronger demand. The 2023/24 northern hemisphere heating season has officially come to an end. Europe has managed to get through the winter months with very comfortable storage levels. In fact, with storage 58% full at the end of March, the region has exited the heating season with record high storage levels. Milder than usual weather through much of February and large parts of March has meant that the drawdown in storage has been somewhat less than expected.” Læs hele analysen her.

T Roweprice: New diabetes and obesity drugs show promise for patients and investors. GLP-1 treatments are poised to reshape the health care sector. GLP-1 drugs represent a watershed development in the health care sector, with broader implications for society and the economy. Evidence is emerging that they offer benefits beyond treating obesity and diabetes, thanks in part to their anti-inflammatory properties. The development of highly effective drugs in pill form will help unlock a massive potential market. Profound advances in a class of drugs that have proven successful at treating the twin epidemics of diabetes and obesity represent a golden age of health care innovation. The impact on improved health outcomes is likely to be significant in coming years as more therapies become available. “ Læs hele analysen her.

Morten W. Langer

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