Deutsche Bank har lavet en omfattende analyse af virksomheders og investorers holdning til ESG-investeringer, dvs. holdningen til miljø (E), samfundsforhold (S) og (regerings)ledelse (G). Den viser, at 75 pct. af investorerne mener, at ESG i det mindste spiller en vis rolle i deres investeringsproces. Den viser også, at de fleste ikke ser den store forskel på afkastet – om der investeres efter ESG-principper eller ikke. ESG er altså blevet accepteres som økonomisk forsvarlige. For virksomhederne betragtes ESG først og fremmest som et godt signal over for investorerne. Europæerne er mere interesseret i ESG end amerikanerne, men alle venter, at ESG fremover får en langt større rolle end i dag.
ESG Survey – What corporates and investors think
This ESG-focussed survey was conducted in the aftermath of the COP 26 summit. We had about 530
respondents, of which about 30% were corporate issuers and 70% were investors. Utilising our client
relationships, the survey targeted corporates via their treasury functions, or via executives that are close to their
firm’s capital markets operations.
As financial decision makers were the key respondents, this survey offers a compelling insight into the activities,
motivations, and intentions of both corporate issuers and investors as they navigate the rapidly-growing ESG
The issuers tended to answer all questions. For investors, about 75% said ESG has at least some impact on their
investment process. This group provides the bulk of the ‘investor’ responses. Still, we probed the other 25% on
the reasons why they have not adopted ESG.
Due to the lower number of respondents from the Asia-Pacific region, we have not separated this data out in the
presentation but it is included in the ‘overall’ group. If you would like the Asia-Pacific results, please contact us.