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Dollaren falder, og aktier verden over stiger, da Fed dæmper inflationsangst

Hugo Gaarden

onsdag 26. maj 2021 kl. 9:08

Aktier verden over steg i går, mens dollaren ramte et nyt lavpunkt, efter at chefer i den amerikanske centralbank beroligede markedet ved at sige, at Fed fortsætter sin bløde pengepolitik. Den amerikanske rente faldt også en smule til under 1,6 pct.

Uddrag fra Fidelity/Reuters:

Dollar falls, equities gain as Fed calms inflation worries

World equity markets made gains while the U.S. dollar hit new lows against major currencies on Tuesday after Federal Reserve officials reaffirmed a dovish monetary policy stance that eased inflation concerns.

Investors weighed the Fed’s soothing words that put to rest tapering worries for the time being and helped to drive the dollar to four-and-a-half-month lows. The benchmark 10-year Treasury note also hit two-week lows and was at 1.5774% in early afternoon trading, down from 1.608% late on Monday.

The yield curve flattened for a fourth straight session, as participants bought the long end of the curve on the view that price pressures would be stable for the rest of the year.

“People are starting to come around to the notion that the Fed is right to be careful about inflation because of the difficulties of COVID around the world,” said Jamie Cox, Managing Partner at Harris Financial Group in New York.

MSCI’s broadest index of world stocks was up 0.23% at 707.83. The STOXX index of leading European shares gained 0.03% to 445.20 after hitting a record high of 447.15.

On Monday, Fed Board Governor Lael Brainard assuaged inflation concerns, saying she expects that price spikes associated with supply bottlenecks and the reopening of the economy to “subside over time.”

James Bullard, president of the St. Louis Federal Reserve, also said on Monday that while still in the pandemic, it was not the time to talk more about changing the parameters of monetary policy.

Those messages were consistent with what Fed Chairman Jerome Powell has said repeatedly over recent weeks.

On Wall Street, the Nasdaq Composite rose 0.02% to 13,663.67, although the benchmark the S&P 500 was down 0.05% at 4,194.96 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.02% to 34,388.42.

Some of the most active sectors on Wall Street include technology, industrials, customer discretionary, communication services and financials.

“The reason why we are having some inflationary pressures is because Asia is having difficulties and that will work itself out and I think price increases like that are not long lasting,” Cox said.

Overnight in Asia, the region’s main regional equity gauges climbed, with MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan up 1.5% at a two-week high.



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