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Ekstremt koldt vej over Europa indtil søndag: naturgaspriser skyhøje

Morten W. Langer

onsdag 10. februar 2021 kl. 18:47

Fra Zerohedge:

While the Arctic blast over the central US is set to worsen in the coming days (see: here & here), temperatures in northern Europe are set to dive as low as -20 degrees Celsius (-36 degrees Fahrenheit), data firm Maxar Technologies said in a report on Wednesday.

The pattern of exceptionally frigid air blasting parts of the US and Europe at the moment is due to a disruption of the polar vortex, which has allowed Arctic air to spill south into North America and Europe.

Maxar said European heating degree days (HDD) between Feb. 10-14 would register around 102, which is well above the ten-year average of 82.1. HDD is a measurement designed to quantify the demand for energy needed to heat a building.

“High pressure over northern Europe will slowly move to the continent and this will slowly cut off the supply of cold Arctic air and the general flow will veer more to southwesterly directions in the course of the next week. Tomorrow through Sunday will be very cold and mostly dry with well below normal temperatures and strong night frost. Next week will start similar but daytime highs will increase and will be partially above zero especially in the west. The second half of the next week will be generally milder with near normal temperatures and the west sould see occasional light rain. A breakthrough of mild and wet weather with strong winds is not likely as high pressure seems to remain dominant over the continent,” Reuters’ Greg Muller said. 

The Global Forecast System (GFS) predicts cold weather for Europe through Sunday. 

Energy traders usually look at forecasts a few weeks out – so with warming trends ahead – natgas prices in the UK have recently slipped after a huge upside move earlier this year. 

In January, Russia’s Gazprom delivered a record amount of natgas to Europe amid the cold weather.

Climate alarmists, such as Greta Thunberg, have been absent this year to explain why Europe and the US are experiencing fridge temperatures. 

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