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Er corona-pandemien ved at aftage?

Hugo Gaarden

tirsdag 25. august 2020 kl. 10:00


Is the pandemic easing off?

Global case numbers no longer accelerating, second waves peaking, but reinfections also proven. Where do we go next?

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Market response already happened

Right now, globally, the numbers of confirmed cases daily are declining, the 7-day moving average is dropping, as are the new deaths figures – which is a lagging indicator, but nonetheless, a useful back up that the new cases figure is being reported accurately, or at least, that the error of reporting is systematic and not trending. That is almost as good.

However, given what markets have done for months now, I think the prospect that they take any solace from this on top of what they have already done, is limited.

But forgetting markets for a moment, this is also important for daily life, as it suggests that we are entering the phase of this pandemic where we can begin to live with Covid. No, it isn’t fun, and there are still considerable restrictions.

One note of caution though. The news that a Hong Kong man has been proven to be reinfected with Covid-19 means that the assumption of the market that it is only a matter of time before a vaccine comes and brings back the old life again, is more questionable. True, this individual had no symptoms (on either occasion), so a vaccine might still save us from the worst symptoms of an infection.

But perhaps we should be tempering our optimism. In any case, and despite the suggestion that the Astra-Zenecca vaccine may be fast-tracked by the US President ahead of the US elections, the likelihood of widespread rollout of any vaccine before 1Q2021 is still looking quite slim. We’re getting there. but it is a long slog, and I still wonder if markets have the endurance for that given that monetary policy and fiscal policymakers alike are running out of policy-“nandralone”?

Global new Covid cases and 7-day moving average

CEIC, WHO Global Covid-19 cases
Global Covid-19 cases


Recent price actions – a bit weird

The trend price action in recent weeks has been, dollar weakness, offsetting gold strength, equities rally. yesterday, it didn’t quite work like that. Equities still rallied. And the dollar did initially start out weak, with the Asian FX complex almost all gaining on the day. But it didn’t end that way. And though stocks still finished up, gold and most FX pairs including those in Asia, gave back almost all of their gains for the day.


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