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FED møde: 0,75 procent rentestigning, men hawkish Dot-signaler fra FED medlemmer

Morten W. Langer

onsdag 21. september 2022 kl. 20:28

uddrag fra Zerohedge:

l;dr: The Fed hiked 75bps as expected but signaled a much more hawkish than expected future trajectory of rates (higher for longer).

The Fed also slashed its economic growth expectations and increased its unemployment rate expectations.

*  *  *

A lot has happened since the last FOMC meeting on July 27th. Fed Pivot narratives have imploded along with risk-asset prices as ‘peak inflation’ guesses failed to appear and at the same time growth fears were resurrected prompting growing fears of stagflation and a post-Jackson-Hole uber-hawkish Fed.

The dollar has been on a one-way trip higher since the last Fed meeting while pretty much everything else has tumbled – stocks and gold are almost exactly down the same while bonds have been a bloodbath… (red dashed line is Jackson Hole)

Source: Bloomberg

Focusing on bonds, 2Y yields are up over 100bps since the last Fed meeting (notably underperforming the long-end and flattening the yield curve dramatically). The two inflection points are Powell’s Jackson Hole speech and last week’s CPI print…

Source: Bloomberg

And thus, Financial Conditions have dramatically tightened since the last FOMC (helped by J-Hole of course) to new cycle tights…

Source: Bloomberg

The market’s expectation for The Fed’s Terminal Rate has soared a stunning 125bps from 3.25% to over 4.50% (and at the same time, subsequent, recession-inspired, rate-cuts expectations have risen too)…

Source: Bloomberg

Most (94/96) economists expected a 75bps hike today, but the market left the option open for 100bps, pricing in a 20% chance of that mega hike…

Source: Bloomberg

Today we also get new DotPlots and inflation/growth estimates… and as Goldman noted, “the dot plot probably matters more” than the rate-hike size. Ahead of today’s shift, the market is dramatically more hawkish than The Fed’s “dots”…

Source: Bloomberg

So which will it be today: 75bps & Hawkish presser? or 100bps & Dovish presser? (or a blend of both)?

Here’s what happened…


The Committee reiterates its previous language that it is “highly attentive to inflation risks.”

The new DotPlot is very hawkish:

  • MEDIAN FORECAST SHOWS RATES 4.4% AT END-2022, AT 4.6% IN 2023, 3.9% IN 2024

The most hawkish dots (and there are six of them) now see the fed funds rate reaching nearly 5% in 2023.

While Wednesday’s decision was unanimous, the dot plot shows 10-9 majority in favor of hiking above 4.25% this year, suggesting a fourth straight 75 basis-point increase in November is possible, which comes about a week before the midterm elections.

Remember, until Powell’s Jackson Hole speech, the Fed had been talking about a soft landing (and the economic projections at the June meeting reflected that thinking).

Today’s updated projections suggest the “pain” that Powell hinted at is coming…

  • The Fed substantially revised down GDP forecasts, with the median estimate for growth this year at just 0.2%, down from 1.7% forecast in June.
  • Unemployment rate forecasts are up, with the median now at 4.4% for both 2023 and 2024. The long-run rate is unchanged at 4%.
  • Both headline and core PCE forecasts are up for this year and next. The Fed doesn’t see inflation returning to its 2% target until 2025.

After today’s hike, The Fed Funds rate will have increased by the most amount since the six months ending March 1981.

*  *  *

Read the full redline below – Almost zero change in the policy statement. Really no indication there that we are heading towards any sort of pivot.

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