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ECB’s Draghi bekymret over stærk Euro, som nu dykker

Morten W. Langer

torsdag 17. august 2017 kl. 13:50

Fra Zerohedge:

While hardly a surprise after yesterday’s Reuters trial balloon, which killed any speculation that Draghi would use the Jackson Hole podium to announce ECB balance sheet tapering, sending the EUR sliding, moments ago the EUR dumped to fresh session lows after the highly anticipated ECB minutes were released and confirmed that “concerns were expressed about the risk of the exchange rate overshooting in the future,” confirming what we speculated last week, namely that for all the pseudo-hawkish rhetoric from Draghi since Sintra (and before), the ECB simply will not tolerate a Euro which approaches 1.20 and threatens to dent European corporate earnings.

The immediate kneejerk result:

Among the other highlights from the minutes, which were initially read as dovish across most Wall Street desks, were the following observations:

  • The appreciation of the euro to date could be seen in part as reflecting changes in relative fundamentals in the euro area vis-a-vis the rest of the world” but “concerns were expressed about the risk of the exchange rate overshooting in the future”
  • “Looking ahead, the Governing Council needed to gain more policy space and flexibility to to adjust policy and the degree of monetary policy accommodation, if and when needed, in either direction.”
  • “The overall degree of accommodation was determined by the combination of all the monetary-policy measures”
  • “The asset purchase program would continue to be a key instrument if the Governing Council assessed the sustained adjustment of inflation at risk”

And perhaps the key highlight, confirming what we have said since 2012, namely that it is the flow, not stock, that matteers:

  • “In this context, it was also suggested that the stock versus flow effects of the asset purchases be considered.”

And yet, the ECB itself admits it is trapped, because the longer it waits, the more it will have to do in the future to reverse the current dovish path, especially once the ECB hits the red line where it runs out of bonds to buy:

  • “A suggestions was made that some consideration be given to an incremental adjustment in the language on forward guidance, because postponing an adjustment for too long could give rise to a misalignment between the Governing Council’s communication and its assessment of the state of the economy, which could trigger more pronounced volatility in financial markets when communication eventually had to shift”

In kneejerk reaction to this latest slide in the Euro, European shares have reversed losses, with the Stoxx 600 rising as much as 0.1% after the minutes, paring an earlier loss of as much as 0.5%, while Germany’s DAX rose up as much as 0.2% before trading little changed. Meanwhile in bond markets, Bund futures spiked higher in kneejerk reaction to the ECB minutes release fueled by the Euro slump to session lows.

However, this jump too was quickly retraced, after a read of the the rest of the ECB’s July meeting was deemed to be “more balanced”, with “incremental” changes to forward guidance discussed, and some concern over potential financial market volatility if policy adjustments are postponed for too long.

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