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Gross:Utroligt at banker vil afregulere for at øge gearing

Morten W. Langer

onsdag 08. februar 2017 kl. 19:57

Fra Zerohedge

With tweets now the most popular means of conducting policy, discussing ideas, or generally conveying outrage, moments ago Bill Gross chimed in on the Dodd-Frank overhauled when he tweeted that “Bankers want regulation reduced to increase leverage, 8 yrs after too-much-leverage almost sunk the country. Incredible!”

Gross: Bankers want regulation reduced to increase leverage, 8 yrs after too-much-leverage almost sunk the country. Incredible!

Then again, maybe Gross’ outrage, whether real or feigned, is premature. As Bloomberg reported yesterday, Trump’s pledge to dismantle the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul is colliding with the same reality as his pledge to gut Obamacare: The Republican majority in Congress can’t decide how to make it happen and Democrats are vowing to fight.

Trump, who last month said Obamacare would be replaced “the same day or the same week,” or perhaps “the same hour,” acknowledged Sunday that the health-care law isn’t going away anytime soon. “We should have something within the year and the following year,” told Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly. The Dodd-Frank directive he signed Friday is hitting the same road block on Capitol Hill and at federal agencies.

The Dodd-Frank directive he signed Friday is hitting the same road block on Capitol Hill and at federal agencies. In both cases, Trump’s team has moved swiftly with a flurry of executive orders that largely promise action in the future. But Republicans in Congress aren’t close yet. On the House side, there’s no agreement on a plan to replace either Obamacare or Dodd-Frank. Even if they reach one soon, it’s almost certain to go beyond what Senate Republicans are likely to accept, and it won’t be able to attract Democratic votes. And putting forward new regulations will take years.


Trump’s executive action on Dodd-Frank has also galvanized Democrats to fight changes to a law enacted in response to the 2008 financial crisis. “This administration has unleashed a ‘Wall Street First’” agenda, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California told reporters Monday, calling Trump’s campaigning against Wall Street “a hoax — just a hoax.”


Trump hasn’t said how long it’ll take to eliminate or water down Dodd-Frank, and even the White House is tacitly acknowledging that change will come slowly, allowing for a 120-day review period in the executive order before making changes.

Furthermore, should Trump get bogged down in legal challenges involving his immigration law, it may take a very long time before Bill Gross’ nightmare is realized.

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