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Hackergruppe Anonymous:USA Nordkorea på vej mod verdenskrig

Morten W. Langer

onsdag 10. maj 2017 kl. 13:32

Fra Zerohedge:


Using their signature Guy Fawkes character, the infamous hacktivist group Anonymous has issued an ominous new video – warning people around the world to “prepare” for World War 3 as the US and North Korea continue to move “strategic pieces into place” for battle.


All the signs of a looming war on the Korean Peninsula are surfacing… we’re watching as each country moves strategic pieces into place… but unlike past world wars… although there will be ground troops the battle is likely to be fierce, brutal and quick.

It will also be globally devastating on the environmental and economic levels.

This is a real war with real global consequences… With three super powers drawn into the mix… Other nations will be coerced into choosing sides.

The citizens will be the last to know…

As The New York Post reports, Anonymous – described online as a global network of hackers, intent on spreading “facts the government doesn’t want you to know” – claims the US and South Korea have been working together to keep the peace in the region, along with China and the Philippines, but their pleas have fallen “on deaf ears.”

They claim that the Trump administration has been also working closely with the Australians, sending a rotational deployment of more than 1,000 US troops to the country, along with a large fleet of military aircraft. Australia is ultimately considered to be a “strategic location in the Indian ocean,” Anonymous says.

“The citizen will be the last to know, so it is important to understand what the other nations are doing,” the group states, citing China’s warning last week to its people in the North.

“The pragmatic Chinese, it seems, are starting to lose their patience.”

Another surefire sign that war is imminent, according to Anonymous, are the recent talks between President Trump and Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte.

The group concludes the video with an eerie message for those watching around the world.
“Prepare for what comes next,” they say. “We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget.”
As’s Mac Slavo points out, both China and Russia are mobilizing troops to the North Korean border, and the United States now has a Naval strike group directly off the coast of the rogue state. With the North threatening to continue testing missiles and weapons of mass destruction, and the Trump administration officially stating that past policies of “patient diplomacy” no longer apply, it appears confrontation is imminent.
North Korea has responded to President Trump’s deployment of an aircraft carrier, surveillance drones and missile tests by saying that if even a single bullet is fired they will nuke the United States.
The geo-political strain in the region could lead to any number of potential triggers. The growing concerns have not gone unnoticed in Japan, which recently saw panic buying of emergency shelters and air purifiers skyrocket.


In the United States, retailers report that the sale of NBC/CBRN gas masks and anti-radiation pills has spiked in recent weeks amid fears of impending global disaster.
Elite billionaires are building bunkers and long term preparedness plans to survive disaster, while governments around the world are positioning pieces on the grand chessboard.
All signs point to serious trouble in the very near future.
The world sits on the brink of a war unlike anything mankind has ever witnessed.
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