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May i opgør med konventioner for at stoppe terrorister

Morten W. Langer

onsdag 07. juni 2017 kl. 11:16

Fra Zerohedge:

Following a series of devastating attacks in the U.K. and mounting criticism of her counter-terrorism record, Theresa May has vowed to do whatever necessary, if re-elected later this week, to “restrict the freedom and movements of terrorist suspects” even it means ripping up “human rights laws that get in the way.”  Among other things, the Prime Minister has said she will make it easier to deport foreign terror suspects and will extend existing laws that restrict the freedom of British suspects on whom authorities “have enough evidence to know they present a threat, but not enough evidence to prosecute them in full in court.” Per The Telegraph:

“When I stood on the steps of Downing Street after the London attack I said enough is enough and things have got to change.”

“We need to take on the ideology that unites and motivates the perpetrators of these attacks.”

“We should do even more to restrict the freedom and the movements of terrorist suspects when we have enough evidence to know they present a threat, but not enough evidence to prosecute them in full in court.”

“And if human rights laws get in the way of doing these things, we will change those laws to make sure we can do them.”

“If I am elected as Prime Minister on Thursday, I can tell you that this vital work begins on Friday.”



As the Telegraph further notes, other contemplated actions would include efforts to force internet service providers to restrict access to extremist websites, tighter restrictions on mobile device usage by terror suspects and more aggressive curfews.

May had already announced plans for longer prison sentences for terrorists and a clamp down on internet firms that enable access to extremist material, but she now wants to go further.

She will extend the powers of police and the courts to restrict the movements of terrorist suspects using Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures (Tpims).

It will mean suspects can be kept under curfews for longer periods each day, tighter controls on suspects associating with each other and more people being banned from using mobile phones and the internet.

Human Rights laws also held up the deportation of the hate preacher Abu Qatada to his native Jordan, and Mrs May says she will find ways to prevent future deportations being delayed.

If not for the artful wording, one could almost confuse the comments above for Trump quotes.  Of course, if Trump dared to propose such aggressive measures to combat terrorism the accusations of racism would ring out far and wide and Maxine Waters would have impeachment proceedings scheduled by the end of the day.

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