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PMI: Tysk erhvervstillid den laveste i syv år, men stabilisering

Morten W. Langer

mandag 03. juni 2019 kl. 18:10

PMI fra Tyskland – læs hele meddelelsen her:

May saw the headline IHS Markit/BME Germany Manufacturing PMI – a single-figure snapshot of the performance of the manufacturing economy – register 44.3, down fractionally from 44.4 in April and one of its lowest readings since mid2012.

The fall in the PMI reflected the employment, stocks of purchases and supplier delivery times components. The rate of decline in output eased for the second month running in May, to show the softest drop in production since February. Underpinning this was a combination of stronger growth in the consumer goods sector and a slower  decline at capital goods firms. Makers of intermediate goods meanwhile recorded a sharper reduction in production.

In line with output, rates of decline in both total new orders and export sales slowed for the second month running in May. Despite easing, the latest declines were sharp overall,
with anecdotal evidence highlighting the effects of the slowdown in the car industry, the US-China trade conflict and customer destocking on sales. Pre-production inventories fell for the fourth month in a row during May, and at the quickest rate in over six years.

Stocks of finished goods were also pared back, falling the most since September 2016.
Another area where manufacturers made cutbacks was employment, which fell for the third consecutive month in May. Moreover, having accelerated from the modest rates
of decline seen in March and April, the pace of job losses reached the quickest since January 2013.

Lower production requirements led manufacturers to reduce their purchasing activity in May, in turn resulting in a further easing of supply chain pressures. Lead times on inputs
improved for the fourth month in a row and to the greatest extent since April 2009

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