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Q1 fra Vestas: Driftsresultat lander voldsomt under det forventede

Morten W. Langer

tirsdag 05. maj 2020 kl. 8:28

Kommentar: Vestas rammer stort set omsætningen ifølge analytikernes konsensus på 2245 mio. EUR. 
EBIT før særlige poster kommer ud på minus 54 mio. EUR, hvilket er en kæmpe skuffelse i forhold 
til analytiker konsensus på +91 mio. EUR. Altså langt ringere end forventet. Den positive del af
 historien er, at nyt ordreindtag var større end forventet. Ledelsen forventer fortsat at kunne nå 
den tidligere udmeldte årsforventnng.   

Fra Vestas:
Summary: Revenue increased compared to same quarter 2019. Increased order intake
and combined order backlog at all-time high level. Uncertainty around the full
impact from COVID-19 prevails – suspension of full-year guidance maintained.

In the first quarter of 2020, Vestas generated revenue of EUR 2,235m – an
increase of 29 percent compared to the year-earlier period. EBIT before special
items decreased by EUR 97m to EUR (54)m. This resulted in an EBIT margin before
special items of (2.4) percent, compared to 2.5 percent in the first quarter of
2019. Free cash flow* amounted to EUR (919)m compared to EUR (876)m in the first
quarter of 2019.

The quarterly intake of firm and unconditional wind turbine orders amounted to
3,311 MW. The value of the wind turbine order backlog was EUR 15.9bn as at 31
March 2020. In addition to the wind turbine order backlog, at the end of March
2020, Vestas had service agreements with expected contractual future revenue of
EUR 18.2bn. Thus, the value of the combined backlog of wind turbine orders and
service agreements stood at EUR 34.1bn – an increase of EUR 5.8bn compared to
the year-earlier period.

The continuing uncertainty as regards the full impact of COVID-19 makes Vestas
maintain the suspension of the 2020 guidance.

According to Vestas’ current judgement, however, meeting the initial guidance on
revenue and EBIT margin before special items is still possible. Further, with
the current visibility for the rest of the year, Vestas assesses revenue growth
and EBIT margin before special items for full year in Service to be able to meet
the initial expectations of approx. 7 percent and approx. 25 percent,
respectively. Additionally, as the focus on cost savings continues, total
investments[*)] are currently assessed to be below EUR 700m.

Group President & CEO Henrik Andersen said: “In the first quarter of 2020, the
global demand for wind energy remained strong in spite of the COVID-19
pandemic’s continuing impact on societies and operations across all continents.
In this environment, Vestas delivered increased revenue and order intake year on
year, continued strong Service performance, and a record high order backlog of
more than EUR 34bn that provides us with stability in the current period of high
uncertainty. In line with our expectations, our EBIT margin in the first quarter
was negatively impacted by the delivery of low-margin projects, while we also
incurred increased execution costs from logistical challenges and supply chain
bottlenecks, which were further amplified by the pandemic. Across the company,
we have done well to ensure business continuity during the pandemic, but the
uncertainty around the full-year impact prevails, and our guidance therefore
remains suspended. As the global pandemic and economic crisis move into their
next phase, Vestas continues to ensure business continuity and that renewables
become a key part in restarting the global economy.”

Key highlights

Safety first in a challenging environment
Measures to secure business continuity in the COVID-19 crisis in place.

Increased order intake
Firm order intake of 3.3 GW; up 10 percent compared to Q1 2019.

All-time high order backlog
Combined order backlog of more than EUR 34bn.

Revenue and profitability in line with Vestas’ expectations
Revenue increased 29 percent to EUR 2.2bn; profitability impacted by low gross
margin in the quarter.

Strong performance in Service
Organic growth of 12 percent in Service compared to Q1 2019; EBIT margin of 26

*) Excl. any investments in marketable securities, and short-term financial
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