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Rusland truer UK: Man giver ikke en atommagt 12 timer

Morten W. Langer

tirsdag 13. marts 2018 kl. 20:44

Fra Zerohedge:

On the heels of UK PM May’s red hot rhetoric and ultimatum yesterday and Germany’s pressure this morning, Russia has cranked up their response to ’11’ on the Spinal Tap amplifier of global armageddon. 

Having made clear this morning that:

“We have certainly heard the ultimatum voiced in London,” Russia’s top diplomat Sergey Lavrov said.

“The spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry has commented on our attitude to this,” he added referring to Maria Zakharova branding of May’s appearance in Parliament as a “circus.”

Russia faces warning from Germany too, as Reuters reports Merkel and May spoke this morning about the nerve agent attack. Merkel condemned the attack and stated that she was “taking very seriously the British government’s view that Russia might be responsible.” Merkel then said Russia “needs to give prompt answers to the British’ justified questions.”

But then, Interfax reports Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova turne dup the heat dramatically, warning (or threatening):

“One does not give 24 hours notice to a nuclear power.”

Adding that the “Skripal poisoning was not an incident but a colossal international provocation.

Slamming the British for “not using a single international legal mechanism to probe the Skripal case.”

The Press Association reports that Russia has warned Britain to “consider the consequences” of mounting a retaliatory cyber strike after the Salisbury spy poisoning.

In a fresh sign of the escalating diplomatic tension sparked by the case, the Russian Embassy cautioned against “such a reckless move”.

The Government has not publicly disclosed the options under consideration but reports on Tuesday suggested one possibility was a cyber counter-attack.

Responding to the speculation, the Russian Embassy in the UK said: “Statements by a number of MPs, ‘Whitehall sources’ and ‘experts’ regarding a possible ‘deployment’ of ‘offensive cyber-capabilities’ cause serious concern.

“Not only is Russia groundlessly and provocatively accused of the Salisbury incident, but apparently, plans are being developed in the UK to strike Russia with cyber weapons.

“Judging by the statements of the Prime Minister, such a decision can be taken at tomorrow’s meeting of the National Security Council.

“We invite the British side to once again consider the consequences of such a reckless move.”

Additionally, Zakharova stated that British Prime Minister Theresa May apparently has no actual facts concerning the poisoning of former Russian military intelligence Colonel Sergey Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

“No one knows anything, including Theresa May, who has no actual fact in her hands,” Zakharova told the 60 Minutes program on the Rossiya-1 television channel.

Finally, following reports that Britain’s media regulator Ofcom said Russian broadcaster RT could lose its UK licence if Theresa May’s government determines that Moscow was behind the poisoning of a former Russian double agent in England this month, Russia’s foreign ministry threatened retaliation:

“…not a single British media outlet with work in Russia if London shuts RT.”

This escalation is far from over.

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