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sandsynlig ny italiensk regering på kollisionskurs med EU

Morten W. Langer

mandag 05. marts 2018 kl. 17:41

Uddrag fra BNP Paribas- se præsentation her:

Results at a glance
 The counting of votes has not yet ended, so there is still uncertainty regarding the precise seat allocation by party
 Technically, the results point to a ‘hung’ parliament, as widely expected on the back of the pre-blackout opinion polls
 None of the three major blocs won an absolute majority
 Of the coalitions, the centre-right got the largest number of votes; of the parties, Five Star got the most votes
 Effectively, anti-establishment parties appear to have won the election at the expense of mainstream parties: together, antiestablishment
parties took about 50% of the vote and, potentially, more than 50% of the seats
 Politically, Italy appears divided, with the League performing well in northern and some central regions and Five Star
performing much better than expected in the south
 Within the centre-right coalition, the League received the most votes, in contrast to the indication from pre-vote opinion polls
 The performance of Berlusconi’s Forza Italia was weaker than expected; that of the centre-left, poor

 Any possible government will have to include Five Star or the League, or both
 The formation of a coalition comprising Five Star and the League is difficult politically but cannot be ruled out at this stage
 Both the League and especially Five Star have considerably toned down their euro-sceptic rhetoric, but euro-scepticism is part of their message
 Both parties want to reconsider some of the economic reforms previously adopted and raise the public budget deficit – this might put them on a collision course with Brussels
 The press speculates the Mr Renzi will resign as leader of the Pd, which will probably go into opposition
 A new election is possible as a last resort if a government cannot be forme

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