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G20 vil udskyde fattige landes gæld

Hugo Gaarden

onsdag 14. oktober 2020 kl. 9:00

G20-landene er blevet enige om at udskyde afviklingen af de fattigste landes gæld i en periode, men der er endnu ikke enighed om detaljerne. Coronakrisen har ramt disse lande særlig hårdt. Alene Afrika vil få et finansieringsgab på 345 milliarder dollar i 2023. Verdensbanken forudser, at coronakrisen kaster 150 millioner mennesker yderlgere ud i ekstrem fattigdom.

Uddrag fra Fidelity/Reuters:

G20 to extend debt freeze for poorest nations, still wrangling over next steps

The G20 group of major economies is poised to extend a multi-billion-dollar debt freeze for the world’s poorest countries to help them weather the coronavirus crisis, and may adopt a common approach to dealing with longer-term debt restructurings.

Finance ministers and central bankers from China, the United States and other G20 countries mapped out their plans in a draft communique seen by Reuters on Tuesday.

Preparatory meetings among G20 deputies involved “intense” discussions, according to multiple sources familiar with the talks, noting that China, Turkey and India had balked at language that would lock them into future debt writeoffs.

Beijing, the largest new creditor for emerging market economies, objected to adoption of a common framework for dealing with debt concerns beyond the G20 debt moratorium, a move backed by the Group of Seven advanced economies, said one of the sources. “The fight is far from over,” the source added.

Chinese officials said they could not commit to future debt reductions implied by the common framework, since that would be illegal under Chinese law, the source said. One solution may be to note each country’s need to work through “domestic approval procedures” in a timely manner, a second source said.

The G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) approved in April has seen 43 of 73 eligible countries defer just over $5 billion in official bilateral debt payments, but that is less than half the relief that would have been possible if all eligible countries had requested forbearance.

The absence of private creditors also remains a problem, as does the failure of China to fully participate with all its state-owned institutions, according to top economists.

IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva last week said African states alone faced a financing gap of $345 billion through 2023 to deal with the pandemic and its economic impact.

Developing countries have pushed hard for extension of the debt freeze, but say further measures are needed to help middle-income countries not currently eligible for the G20 initiative.


The draft communique underscored the need for private sector involvement and said all official bilateral creditors should implement the initiative fully and transparently.

A new World Bank study on Monday showed that among countries eligible for the G20 debt relief, external debt loads increased 9.5% in 2019 to $744 billion even before the pandemic.

With the coronavirus now savaging economies, the World Bank has warned that 150 million more people could be pushed into extreme poverty by the end of next year.


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