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Ny forskning afviser WHOanbefaling om masker kun til sundhedsansatte

Morten W. Langer

torsdag 30. april 2020 kl. 14:59

Kommentar: Vil de danske myndigheder fortsat fraråde danskernes at bære masker eller ansigtsværn? Vil det være ansvarligt? Eller vil myndighederne ikke tabe ansigt – igen?

Fra Zerohedge:

As confusion about the virus and its behavior reigns, Bloomberg reported on a new study by a pair of Chinese scientists showing that the virus appears to linger in the air longer than previously thought. If these findings are eventually confirmed, they would directly contradict a WHO ‘recommendation’ that only health-care workers need to wear facemasks – guidance that has already been dismissed by the US and other member states.

Studies carried out at two hospitals in Wuhan found the largest concentrations of the virus in the hospital toilets and in rooms where nurses and doctors change out of their medical scrubs. But scientists detected at least some ambient levels of the virus in most of the hospital rooms it examined.

The study was published Monday in the journal Nature Research. Like with other ‘aerosol’ studies involving SARS-CoV-2, researchers didn’t seek to establish whether the airborne particles could cause infections.

The study was published in the Journal of Natural Research.

At two hospitals in Wuhan, China, researchers found bits of the virus’s genetic material floating in the air of hospital toilets, an indoor space housing large crowds, and rooms where medical staff take off protective gear. The study, published Monday in the journal Nature Research, didn’t seek to establish whether the airborne particles could cause infections.

The question of how readily the new virus can spread through the air has been a matter of debate. The World Health Organization has said the risk is limited to specific circumstances, pointing to an analysis of more than 75,000 cases in China in which no airborne transmission was reported.

To create a point of reference for the hospital studies, researchers also measured ambient aerosol virus levels in places like supermarkets or Chinese apartment buildings. Here, they found, concentrations of the virus were much lower.

If there’s anything that can be extrapolated in terms of recommendations for public behavior, it’s that next time you use a public restroom, be absolutely sure to wash your hands thoroughly and avoid touching your face after.

Amercans’ No. 1 complaint about the government’s response to the outbreak has been confusion as experts and officials make different – sometimes contradictory – recommendations. One of the most controversial pieces of advice is the recommendation that people wear masks out in public, as people struggle to grasp that the initial recommendation not to wear masks was made to preserve dwindling stocks for health-care workers.


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