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ING venter kun en svag forbedring af økonomien i Østasien

Hugo Gaarden

torsdag 12. august 2021 kl. 12:11

En række indikatorer for juli i næste uge vil give et fingerpeg om den økonomiske udvikling i Østasien. ING venter kun en svag økonomisk forbedring. Japan kunne være faldet tilbage i recession i andet kvartal. Økonomien er også blevet afdæmpet i Kina, selv om eksporten stiger kraftigt. Taiwan dominerer den internationale chip-produktion og eksporten ventes fortsat at stige kraftigt.

Uddrag fra ING:

Asia week ahead: Early hints of 3Q21 performance

July activity indicators will provide a glimpse of where Asian economies are headed in 3Q21 while the Covid-19 pandemic continues to weigh on the recovery in some of them.



More 2Q GDP reports

Japan and Thailand are the next Asian economies to unveil their 2Q21 report cards next week. Resurgent Covid-19 cases and tighter restrictions to break the infection chain have probably stalled the recovery of both these economies in the last quarter.

Having contracted by 1% QoQ in 1Q21, Japan is on the verge of falling into recession (ING 2Q forecast 0%). The same applies to the Thai economy.

Where is growth headed in 3Q?

The calendar is packed with July economic releases from around the region. These will shed light on the path GDP growth is taking in the current quarter.

China reports the remainder of its July activity data, namely industrial production, retail sales and fixed asset investment. This data should capture the impact of devastating floods in the central Chinse province of Zhengzhou (also referred to as Henan). We expect a more pronounced impact on retail sales than manufacturing activity as the latter remains supported by strong export demand. Meanwhile, the government’s orders to businesses to turn investment plans into concrete action should speed up fixed-asset investment growth.

Taiwan’s export orders data for July will be examined for the potential course of the global semiconductor cycle, which has been running at full speed currently. Chip shortages and higher prices may have weighed on Taiwan’s semiconductor exports this year. Even so, an all-time high of $23.5 billion of electronics exports in July suggests that the orders remain strong, though there is probably a price effect embedded in this figure, and volumes are probably flatter.

Singapore’s July non-oil domestic exports (NODX) data could reflect the latest upgrade of the government’s 2021 GDP growth outlook to 6%-7% from 4%-6%. Singapore has been a beneficiary of the global semiconductor upswing. And, judging from the strong July exports from Korea and Taiwan, NODX likely remained strong last month; our forecast is 1.8% MoM and 14.0% YoY growth.

Australia’s July jobs report probably won’t have too much bearing on Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) monetary policy expectations. The central bank is still set to slightly reduce its current bond purchase program when it expires in September (see our latest note on this). We expect a further dip in the jobless rate to 4.8% from 4.9% in June.

What does this mean for policy?

As well as the RBA, we also have the central banks of China and Indonesia reviewing their policy settings next week. As growth continues to take a hit from the pandemic and transitory inflation spikes are passed, easy policy stances remain the norm for central banks in much of Asia. The People’s Bank of China has validated this with a 50 basis-point cut in banks’ Reserve Requirement Ratio (RRR) in July (here is more on that). That said, we anticipate no change to the PBoC’s 1-year or 5-year Prime Lending Rates next week.

Bank Indonesia may cite the recently released 2Q GDP report of over 7% YoY growth as an argument to leave interest rates on hold as the authorities continue to pursue currency stability. It remains to be seen whether this growth momentum continues ahead. We are sceptical (read more here).

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