Today, GN Store Nord A/S held its Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting was held in accordance with the agenda announced on February 17, 2025, as set out below.
The report by the Board of Directors was noted by the general meeting. The Annual Report 2024 and the proposal on distribution of annual profits, including no distribution of dividends, were approved, and discharge was granted to the Board of Directors and the Executive Management.
The general meeting approved the remuneration to the Board of Directors for 2025, and the 2024 Remuneration Report was approved in the advisory vote.
The proposal on the number of members of the Board of Directors was approved. Jukka Pekka Pertola, Klaus Holse, Hélène Barnekow, Jørgen Bundgaard Hansen and Kim Vejlby Hansen were re-elected to the Board of Directors by the general meeting. Charlotte Johs and Lise Skaarup Mortensen were elected as new members of the Board of Directors by the general meeting.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected as auditor for the company in respect of statutory financial and sustainability reporting.
The general meeting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal to authorize the Board of Directors to acquire treasury shares. Moreover, the general meeting approved the proposal to authorize the Board of Directors to conduct the general meeting in Danish and/or English and to prepare the documents for the internal use by the general meeting in Danish and/or English. Finally, the general meeting approved to authorize the chair of the meeting to register the decisions made at the general meeting.
At the constituting board meeting held after the Annual General Meeting, Jukka Pekka Pertola was elected Chair of the Board of Directors, and Klaus Holse was elected Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors.
Jukka Pekka Pertola was also elected as Chair of the