COPENHAGEN, Denmark, March 12, 2025 – Pursuant to Articles 10-14 of the Articles of Association, the shareholders of Bavarian Nordic A/S are hereby convened to the Annual General Meeting to be held on
Wednesday, 9 April 2025, at 4 PM CEST
at Comwell Borupgaard, Nørrevej 80, DK-3070 Snekkersten, Denmark with the following agenda:
The Board of Directors’ report on the Company’s activities in the past year. Presentation of the Annual Report for adoption. A proposal from the Board of Directors regarding the application of profit or covering of loss pursuant to the Annual Report as adopted.Presentation of and indicative vote on the Remuneration Report.A resolution to discharge the Board of Directors and the Board of Management from liability. Election of members of the Board of Directors.Election of Auditors.Any proposal from the Board of Directors or shareholders.
The Board of Directors has proposed the following resolutions:
Proposal to authorize the Board of Directors during the period until 30 June 2026 to increase the share capital of the Company by up to nominally DKK 78,854,850, corresponding to 10 % of the Company’s share capital. Proposal to authorize the Board of Directors during the period until 30 June 2026 to obtain loans against issuance of convertible notes which give the right to subscribe for new shares in the Company and so that the Board of Directors is authorized to increase the share capital of the Company by up to nominally DKK 78,854,850, corresponding to 10 % of the Company’s share capital. When exercising the authorizations proposed in items 8a and 8b, the Board of Directors is in total authorized to increase the share capital of the Company with a total of up to nominally DKK 78,854,850 (7,885,485 shares of DKK 10 each).Proposal to authorize the Board of Directors during the period