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Constitution of the Board of Directors in Genmab A/S, Grant of Restricted Stock Units to Board Members and Employees and Grant of Warrants to Employees in Genmab


onsdag 12. marts 2025 kl. 19:13

Company Announcement
COPENHAGEN, Denmark; March 12, 2025 – Genmab A/S (Nasdaq: GMAB) Following Genmab A/S’ Annual General Meeting held on March 12, 2025, the Company’s Board of Directors met to constitute itself. Ms. Deirdre P. Connelly was appointed Chair and Ms. Pernille Erenbjerg was appointed Deputy Chair. It was decided to grant 13,926 restricted stock units to members of the Board of Directors and employees of the Company and the Company’s subsidiaries and 4,214 warrants to the employees of the Company and the Company’s subsidiaries.
Each restricted stock unit is awarded cost-free and provides the owner with a conditional right to receive one share in Genmab A/S of nominally DKK 1. The fair value of each restricted stock unit is equal to the closing market price on the date of grant of one Genmab A/S share, DKK 1,372.50.
The restricted stock units will vest on the first banking day of the month following a period of three years from the date of grant. Furthermore, the restricted stock units are subject to vesting conditions set out in the restricted stock unit program adopted by the Board of Directors. Information concerning Genmab’s restricted stock unit program can be found on under Investors > Governance > Compensation > Restricted Stock Units. 
The exercise price for each warrant is DKK 1,372.50. Each warrant is awarded cost-free and entitles the owner to subscribe one share of nominally DKK 1 subject to payment of the exercise price. By application of the Black-Scholes formula, the fair value of each warrant can be calculated as DKK 421.30.
The warrants vest three years after the grant date, and all warrants expire at the seventh anniversary of the grant date. The new warrants have been granted on the terms and conditions set out in the warrant program adopted by the board of directors on February 23, 2021. Information concerning Genmab’s warrant schemes can be found on under Investors > Governance >

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