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Morten W. Langer

onsdag 12. juni 2019 kl. 7:52

Global Semiconductor Sales Decrease 14.6 Percent Year-to-Year in April; 12 Percent Decrease in Annual Sales Projected for 2019

Tuesday, Jun 04, 2019, 4:30pm

by Semiconductor Industry Association

Industry forecast projects sales will decrease 12.1 percent in 2019, increase 5.4 percent in 2020

WASHINGTON—June 4, 2019—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) today announced worldwide sales of semiconductors were $32.1 billion in April 2019, a decrease of 14.6 percent from the April 2018 total of $37.6 billion and 0.4 percent less than the March 2019 total of $32.3 billion. Monthly sales are compiled by the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) organization and represent a three-month moving average. Additionally, a newly released WSTS industry forecast projects annual global sales will decrease 12.1 percent in 2019, then increase 5.4 percent in 2020. SIA represents U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing, design, and research.

“The global semiconductor market continued to sputter in April, as year-to-year and month-to-month sales remained negative,” said John Neuffer, SIA president and CEO. “Sales were down compared to last year across all major regional markets and semiconductor product categories. Global sales are projected to decrease by 12 percent this year, then rebound somewhat with moderate growth expected next year.”

Regionally, sales increased slightly on a month-to-month basis in Japan (2.5 percent) and China (1.8 percent), but decreased in Europe (-1.2 percent), Asia Pacific/All Other (-2.0 percent), and the Americas (-3.0 percent). On a year-to-year basis, sales were down across all regional markets: Europe (-8.0 percent), Asia Pacific/All Other (-10.7 percent), China (-10.9 percent), Japan (-10.9 percent), and the Americas (-29.5 percent).

Additionally, SIA today endorsed the WSTS Spring 2019 global semiconductor sales forecast, which projects the industry’s worldwide sales will be $412.1 billion in 2019. This would mark a 12.1 percent decrease from the 2018 sales total of $468.8, which was the industry’s highest-ever annual total. WSTS projects year-to-year decreases across all regional markets for 2019: Europe (-3.1 percent), Asia Pacific (including China) (-9.6 percent), Japan (-9.7 percent), and the Americas (-23.6 percent). In 2020, the global market is projected to bounce back somewhat, posting moderate growth of 5.4 percent. WSTS tabulates its semi-annual industry forecast by convening an extensive group of global semiconductor companies that provide accurate and timely indicators of semiconductor trends.



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