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Kinesisk vækst satte rekord i 1. kvartal: 18,3 pct.

Hugo Gaarden

fredag 16. april 2021 kl. 9:45

Aldrig nogensinde før har Kina haft så høj en vækst som i første kvartal: 18,3 pct. i forhold til samme kvartal sidste år, hvor Kina blev hårdt ramt af coronakrisen. Alligevel var der en vækst for hele 2020 på 2,3 pct. – den eneste store økonomi med vækst. I år ventes en vækst på 8,6 pct. Det er primært eksporten, der har drevet væksten i første kvartal.

Uddrag fra Fidelity/Reuters:

China’s GDP hits record growth but post-COVID recovery seen losing steam

China’s economic recovery quickened sharply in the first quarter from last year’s deep coronavirus slump, propelled by stronger demand at home and abroad and continued government support for smaller firms.

Gross domestic product (GDP) jumped 18.3% in the first quarter from a year earlier, official data showed on Friday. While that undershot the 19% forecast by economists in a Reuters poll, it was the fastest growth since quarterly records began in 1992 and up from 6.5% in the fourth quarter last year.

“The upshot is that with the economy already above its pre-virus trend and policy support being withdrawn, China’s post-COVID rebound is levelling off,” said Julian Evans-Pritchard, senior china economist at Capital Economics. “We expect quarter-on-quarter growth to remain modest during the rest of this year as the recent boom in construction and exports unwinds, pulling activity back towards trend.”

Aided by strict virus containment measures and emergency relief for businesses, the economy has recovered from a steep 6.8% slump in the first three months of 2020, when an outbreak of COVID-19 in the central city of Wuhan rapidly became a crippling pandemic that has killed about 3 million worldwide.

China’s rebound has been led by exports as factories raced to fill overseas orders and more recently a steady pickup in consumption as shoppers returned to restaurants, malls and car dealerships.

Retail sales increased 34.2% year-on-year in March, beating a 28.0% gain expected by analysts and stronger than the 33.8% jump seen in the first two months of the year.

Factory output grew 14.1% year-on-year in March, slowing from a 35.1% surge in the January-February period and lagging a forecast 17.2% rise.



National Bureau of Statistics spokeswoman Liu Aihua told a news conference on Friday while the economy started 2021 on a firm footing, the services sector and smaller firms still faced challenges, while consumer inflation was likely to remain moderate.

Data last week showed consumer prices rising at only a modest pace in March, even as factory gate inflation hit a near three-year high.

“Looking forward, the trend of normalisation may continue for the rest of the year, and domestic consumption is expected to be the major growth driver,” said Chaoping Zhu, global market strategist at J.P. Morgan Asset Management in Shanghai. “In terms of policy response, the central bank and fiscal authorities are returning to a more neutral stance, although some selective measures might be continued in order to support the small and medium-sized enterprises.”

Li Wei, economist at Standard Chartered in Shanghai, expected second-quarter growth to slow to 7%.



The world’s second-largest economy is expected to grow 8.6% in 2021, according to a Reuters poll, which would easily beat the government’s 2021 annual growth target of above 6%.

China’s GDP grew just 2.3% rise last year, its weakest expansion in 44 years but still making it the only major economy to avoid contraction as other industrial powers struggled with the pandemic hit.


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