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Morgan Stanley: Aktiestrategi med modstandskraft

Hugo Gaarden

mandag 25. maj 2020 kl. 13:00

Morgan Stanley har analyseret hvilke sektorer, der er mest modstandskraftige under volatilitet og nedture og har på den baggrund lavet en strategi for den type aktier aktier – modstandskraft per design. Nedenstående graf viser, at sundhedssektoren, dele af forbrugssektoren samt IT software er de mest modstandskraftige sektorer. 

Uddrag fra Morgan Stanley:

Resilience by Design

Explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes is known to have said, “There is no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.” This seems particularly apt as global investors look for comfort in the face of the ongoing pandemic.

Investors considering a changed investment landscape, may wish to revisit the attrac­tions of truly active invest­ing to bridge any potential yawning chasms or gorges ahead. Benchmarks, in our view, are inherently risky comprising a range of companies of varying quality; simply seeking to match index performance creates a false complacency. Active investing, particularly in the hands of disciplined and experienced managers, offers the chance to be prepared, to identify robust earnings, and achieve mean­ingful long-term outperformance through high quality relatively resilient portfolios.

The essence of active investing

Ongoing US-China trade tensions, oil politics, and the evolving pandemic have all contributed to volatility in recent months.


Long term active investing is key to navigating the market’s peaks and troughs.”

We cannot influence or even predict the macroeconomic environment or outbreaks from the pandemic, but we can aim to ensure that the stocks we hold are the most resilient we can find. Our investment team is focused on selecting high quality stocks that will grow capital over the long term and seek to minimise the chance of any perma­nent loss of capital.

We call such well-managed high and sustainable return on operating capital companies with growth potential and robust earnings, “quality compounders.” Our resilient portfolios are built on these compounders by design.

These companies are fairly rare so, when we buy them, our conviction is reflected in meaningful posi­tion sizes, up to 10% of a portfolio, and an active share for a portfolio of greater than 90%. The advan­tage of a portfolio of such stable compounders is evi­denced by the Global Franchise strategy’s 24-year track record of long-term capital appreciation at lower long-term volatility than that of broad benchmarks.

Engaging with sustainable compounders in a more complex world

Our investment strategy has always centred on capital light companies with strong intangible assets, such as brands or networks, which enable pricing power and steadily growing revenues, robust profits, strong free cash flows, and a steady dividend.

As active investors, we are ever vigilant to the changing consumer and competitor landscape and mindful of potential risks to the sustainability of long-term returns on capital. This includes material ESG risks as well as material opportunities ESG can pre­sent to the companies we own. Our portfolio managers analyse material ESG factors themselves as part of their bottom-up fundamental research. We believe that incorporating ESG is essential to long-term com­pounding, helpful in identifying sustainable com­pounders and picking the winners from the losers.


As active investors, we are ever vigilant to the changing consumer and competitor landscape and mindful of potential risks to the sustainability of long-term returns on capital.”

How do some of the world’s most famous branded companies continue to dominate mindshare and mar­ket share under new and challenging conditions and in an ever more disruptive world of social media? It is a question on which we have become increasingly focused.

The answer for consumer goods companies lies in staying relevant to the con­sumer’s changing preferences and values, for example the use of natural or organic ingredients or more envi­ronmentally friendly packaging, or appropriate deployment of the brand’s resources in a crisis. Consumer goods companies that stay relevant and keep the trust of their consumers can gain market share and maintain pricing power over competitors who do not. This often results in rising long-term returns as a consequence.

Further, governance structure really matters – we typically prefer agile and decentralised management teams that can react to local market con­ditions, choose to invest in their franchises and do not squander free cash flow on low return acquisitions.

Not all strong franchise companies are consumer brands. Recurring revenues from networks can also mean compelling stability of earnings, even more so with the shift to the cloud. For the software and IT services companies in which we choose to invest, stay­ing relevant means supporting other businesses (and in some circumstances, society) in their changing digital needs and being cautious with the use of data. Medical technology has also offered new ground for us to identify robust recurring revenues in areas such as medical equipment, life sciences and diagnostics.

Importantly, we do not analyse companies from a distance. Portfolio managers handle proxy voting directly, typically meet with the senior management, board members and remu­neration committees of companies we own, and engage where we must. Often that means focusing on incentive structures, which in our view can be critical to the decisions of management, or checking management’s awareness and agility on their company’s environmental or social footprint or the shifting tide of opinion from regulators and consumers on data protection and antitrust.

An active portfolio to defend against today’s uncertain markets

High quality companies are by their nature less exposed to or better able to cope with poten­tial adverse events, as demonstrated by our strategy’s history of relative outperformance in down markets.

Even more interesting perhaps is a closer look at the sustainability of earnings across dif­ferent sectors during the last financial crisis. Earnings of software and services companies were up 2% over 18 months, against a 40% fall for the MSCI World Index, while health care and consumer staples were only down marginally (Display 1).

Display 1: The Health Care, Consumer Staples and IT Software & Services sectors have proven to be resilient in a falling market

NTM forward EPS change during the financial crisis drawdown (Oct 2007 - Feb 2009)

Source: FactSet. (NTM: next twelve months. EPS earnings per share)

These same sectors suffered least in the recent market correction.

With our portfolio’s primary skew to these high quality defensive sectors, we believe our portfolio earnings are likely to continue to hold up better than the market as a whole.

The ongoing pandemic, political uncertainty, increasing regulatory scru­tiny, climate change and rapid advances in technology present ongoing complexities to be overcome for companies around the world.

Today and beyond the pandemic, global equity investors should be looking for portfolios with resilient, high quality companies and portfolio management teams equipped with the philosophy and process to find them.

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